The other day I went to Montserrat. I took the trail since Monistrol until the Monastery, around two hours walking, and it is a little steep sometimes, I would say not for everyone. It is beautiful, of course, and I had great experiences like being followed by a baby boar, have found 4 deers, including one that just looked like Bambi and a male with long horns. And also I had a lot of talking with myself and creating weird situations (as usual) when I am alone.
              The whole mountain is amazing and how much more you walk, more you want keep going because there are always beautiful views and some very curious places like old Hermits and crazy stairs in the middle of nowhere.
              After hitting the Monastery I take the trail to the highest point: The way of Saint Jeroni. Unfortunately, I would not have time to make the two hours until there and come back in time before get dark. So I decided make just half of way.
              The problem is just the inclination because the way is quite simple with just a few places where you have to climb up. At the end, I hit the second highest point just beside the first one. So I probably walk around one hour and a half. It was amazing and I just regret do not have planned better and have made camping there when it was still hot. Maybe when I come back for Portugal and pass by Spain again.

               P.S.: going down I made from the Monastery until Monistrol in forty minutes because I did not wanted lost the 5.40 p.m. train. My own record!


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