One of Pep’s sisters, Mary Angels, asked me to take care of her mother in law for one day. Pilar started to live with them a few months ago and sometimes is difficult to them leave the house all together. This Sunday they went to Berga with Queralt and the girls and I staid with her. She has a degenerative disease that makes her forget the facts sometimes and stay most part of her life now in a wheel chair.
              What I had to do was basically stay near to her and gave two box of juice in the middle of the day. I saw some magazines and since I bring my computer I plan finished watch Jack Wick.
              At 3 o’clock when I try to gave her the first juice she was a kind of scary and a little aggressive because she could not remember me. She started to ask about who I was and what I was doing there. In my bad Spanish I try to explaining to her. I was kind of nervous because I never witnessed something like that, just in movies, so now remembering about I realized that I should had act more normally and firm, like Mary Angels was at the lunch, make her understand what was going on and make her drink the juice, because since I was a strange to her, she refused.
              After that everything was pretty much nothing. We did not talk and she was sleeping most part of the day. At 5 o’clock when I suppose to gave her the second juice, she was sleeping and I was fool enough to not wake her up. Later, Angels warn me that since she is most of the time sleeping I could simply wake her up.
              I felt kind of bad for not had be able to do it the only two things I supposed to: give her two juices.
              It was a difference experience. As you know it was the first time I took care of an old person so I just had no idea what to do. But of course made me think a lot about life and made me have more by certain that I do not want to live that much.
              I know that are a lot of very healthy old people, who just keep living their life as always and maybe then I get it. But those poor ones who have a very critical healthy situation, physical or mental, it is difficult for me to understand why they keep extending the pain.



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