11th to 16th of October, 2017.

               What can you say about the people you see every days on the streets? Their closes influenced in your way to think about them? Their attitudes, their bags, what all of those stuff can say about them? When I was in Madrid, a few days ago, I had one hard day thinking about this and getting crazy while I was looking around. So I stopped.
              But of course a lot of things happened before I get in Madrid… Let’s it go to them.
              Queralt was going to London on the 12th of October and coming back just at 16th. To not let me alone with the kids, since Pep would be in Saudi Arabia, they decided give me two days off and the girls would stay with Pep’s parents.
              At the beginning I decide go to south: Seville, Granada and Cordoba. I would have to find a way to go and come back (because hitch would take to much time), a way to move between the cities and places to stay in the tree cities.
              The cheapest way to go, including Blablacar, bus and train, it was by plane. I would use Blablacar to travel between the cities and Couchsurfing to sleep. So the first thing I did was send messages for nine people (three in each city) ask them for holsters. The problem was I needed borrow one card to buy the plane tickets and to pay the Blablacar, because differently of Brazil, here you pay online and before the travel. I hated that! And the truth is I was waiting to them, Queralt and Pep, say something about the travel then I could ask for the card. Just a few days before the travel they talk about, so the prices were already too high and I decided completely change my plans and going to Madrid.
              The next problem was: two days before the travel day I had just one request remaining! I created a public trip but got no answer. And until now, fifteen days later, no answer from my request.
              I decided go by hitch-hiking and come back more safety by bus.
              On the 12th October most of the attractions in Madrid would be free because it is the day of Spain. That make me leave Sant Vicenç on the 11th October and have a good edge to get in there and enjoy the free day attractions.
              Pep gave me a ride until Manresa and left me in a Service Post. After one hour waiting, with all the nice people saying not going that far and the not nice ones with hating looks emanating cancer rays; with two piece of shit: one asking me with I was a girl or a boy and inviting me for a coffee, and another saying that was going to Sant Vicenç when he knew I was going to Madrid; a nice man offered to drive me until Igualada. He just had to make a work stop and we would keep going. We had a nice talk, and he even taught me a little of Italian. When we were one block before the place he would leave me, we pass for some other hitchhikers but I did not see them, I just heard when my ride said: “Look! Your friends!”.
              After a few minutes hitching, the two of them came until the gas station to take some water. It was when I first met Martinha and Clasber and Yoshi (a very cute and friendly dog).
              They were going to Portugal: Martinha going back home and Clasber, from Denmark with a strong accent, was coming with her because they met in the middle of the way and after she had stayed with him in Denmark for a few months, now he would do the same in Portugal. Differently of me, they were there since last day. They hitch for a few hours then decided make camping and try more in the morning. At the beginning they were in five but just they remained. Now it was almost midday and they were still there. So we decided joy our forces and hitch all together.
              I went to pee and when I came back a guy had stopped for us because he saw them over there last day and decided to drive us in the Service Post just a few kilometres from there. Such a nice guy! He even gave us twenty Euros to get some food. Of course I let they have all the money because at the end the guy stopped for them and not for me and clearly they need more then me.
              The place he left us was pretty nice! Gas station with a big restaurant and a Supermarket. After Martinha buy some stuff for sandwich and they eat, me and her started to talk with people, because Clasber did not speak Spanish. I know, I know, neither do I but at least I could be understood.
              I finally get someone at the Gas Station and he was going to Madrid: Edu just said if two of us fit behind with Zoe’s baby comfort (his daughter) it was OK. I forgot to talk about Yoshi but it was not a problem to him. We were so happy and almost could not believe we would get in Madrid that night!
              In the middle of the way, Martinha and Edu kind of had a discussion about the independence of Catalunya and the violence of the police. I even thought Edu would stop the car and put us out! But later they said that this is the way that Spanish people “talk” about politics.
              We get just outside of Madrid in four hours! Edu was driving very fast but also very well. So now we just need to take a train to Madrid and from there another one to Julia’s house. Oh! Yeah, at this moment Martinha already told me that would be OK if I passed the night in her friends house. I did not have a place to stay so I just had some hostels names and address noted.
              It was the first time that I did not pay for a train. I saw Martinha asking an information to someone and then simply passed through from the door after the girl. I was choked! I just follow them and I was shaking. I was so nervous that could not even ask them what a hell was going on until we leave the last station and wait for Julia collect us. They told me they do that all the time and the only thing that happens when the agents sees them, it is get a fee, but according to Martinha they never arrived in her home. At the end of my trip, including the two trains at the first night, I saved at least 20 Euros in public transport.
              Julia is the sweetest girl ever and is very easy to like her. Nothing is a problem for her and she also is so cute with those big great dreads. Since I said was waiting for a Couchsurfing answer she said I could do Couchsurfing there and stay for the next days.
              We were all also fascinated by the incredible house they had. So beautifully decorated inside, with this old style and a lot of details and books and chairs and a piano… Amazing! And outside those gorgeous gardens with a lot of trees, plants, places to eat, nice lights for the night and even a big pool. Fascinating!
              And let is not forget about Kora the kindest German Shepard ever! Amazingly beautiful and sweet!
              That first night we had for dinner such a nice red rice by Julia and mushrooms with aubergines in a great sauce by Martinha. Then we talk a lot including our most crazy and different rides by hitch-hiking.


              Next morning, after a nice breakfast and goodbyes, four of us leave to Madrid. I say goodbye to Martinha, Clasber and Yoshi inside the train because my station was two stops after them.
              I went to Prado’s Museum and Reina Sofia Museum, two of the most famous ones in the world. That one because of some very famous Goya’s pictures and this one because Gernica. However, while I was in there, I just could think in how I do not belong to the arts world. At least this kind of art. It really does not pleasure me keep looking all those paintings and most of them do not make any sense or are not beautiful at all for me. I mean, I am so sorry art lovers but I cannot see a difference between those pictures and “normal” ones done it buy regular nowadays people.
              I tried to go to the Library but it was closed so early. So after the Fountains and the Spain’s door, I went to the Real Palace. A long line for not much to see inside. I really do not know if because was a free day, they kind of reduce the visitation space but for me, paying 13 Euros to see just that is an absurd!

              This day brought up the topic at the beginning of this chapter. Everyone wearing so different styles and clothes: what was all that about? What that means to them? If you are thinking that this is a frivolous topic, answer me that. Is not just about the fabric: go deeper. Why do you pick and buy the clothes that you wear? Are you doing this because you like them, because you need or just to show up for the rest of the world? Do you need to tell to the others who you are basing in your clothes? Can you do that if you have just one change of clothes? So what my hole black basic pants and t-shirt tell about me? People does not know that I do not want to say anything but keep the pants I brought with me from Brazil and not spend more money. Since I was getting tos stressed with all those thoughts I just said – go fuck all the people and let it forget about this.
              It was almost nine o’clock when I left the Palace and I was starting to get the consequences for not eat properly the hole day. So I decide buy some French fries and a beer. Worse thing ever! My migraine that already had started, just became worse and worse and since I started my travel I have the worse crises ever. Waiting over 30 minutes at the bus stop was a nightmare. I cried, I thought I would die, it was horrible. That night I did not even pay for the bus and I guess the driver was feeling sorry for me. And he should because at the moment I left the bus I through up.
              When I get at Julia’s house I was miserable. There were three friends of her over there and I could barely talk. I explain to her what happened and ask for them to forgive me but I could not enjoy them that night. I took another pill before go to sleep and the attempt to eat a little bit of apple it was not successful.
              I woke up late in the morning and still wait for Julia to apologize again and explain what happened. But after 10.30 a.m. I decided to leave and left her a note.
              That day in Madrid was better. I enjoyed more, I was relaxing. I even bought a second hand dress to Halloween! Eight Euros in one of the Humanas.
              I ate Paella of vegetables in the San Miguel Market. When I was in there I felt kind of bad because looks like everybody is eating a lot and great things, like everybody has money but you. Because the food is not that cheap, you know? And I saw a guy with four types of caviar!
              The last thing was wait for the sunrise at the Temple of Debod. So many people! After that I ask for a borrow phone and call Julia, saying I was on my way and I would passed in the Supermarket. Unfortunately I was bad warning about the train, get late (again) and the Supermarket it was already closed! I felt very bad for arriving at home with empty hands but it was not my fault. Fortunately there were a lot of friends of Julia there. Something around thirteen people. It was a kind of farewell party for Julia and another guy. So there was a lot of pasta and I did not drink anything.
              How it was with them? Well, I was pretty exciting at the beginning, you know? I said hello one by one and I was ready to be very open and talk a lot. But just one of them it was really nice and talked to me. Sadly I do not remember his name right now but he was from Portugal so we talk a little bit in English and in Portuguese.
              So I started to pay attention in everything and (of course) reflect on: most of them were Psychology students and had this hipster detachment style. But most of them had money, like Julia. They all were drinking and smoking and talking with each other. And then nobody was given a shit to talk with the outside girl, the tourist. At one moment one of the boys came and start to talk with me but he was so drunk… After a while I realized the best thing to do would be going to bed.
              This time I got up early, left another note to Julia and went to the station. It was Saturday and I decide take a bus to Barcelona. With a lot luck, I spent about 50 Euros going and staying in Madrid those four days. If I had not take the bus to come back and trying to hitch, it would be twenty Euros. I totally should have hitch. Of course now everything is different…
              About the relationships what I have to say it is kind of hard. Even that most of the people I met those days were nice, I felt very judged. Like just because I was not miserable (yet) and had some money, I was not dignified of been called and looked as a traveller or a backpacker. Like as if I even not should hitch-hiking. Or just because you speak more politely, you know, and your clothes are not a hippie style… I do not know how to explain better but I felt kind of bad. Of course I felt a lot worse for not being able to interact that much with Julia and helping out buying some food or drinks but the circumstances were completely against me! The migraine, getting lost, all her friends on the party. I just hope she have not got mad at me. I hope one day she understand.
              But also I felt kind of judges about my 10 years travel plan and the way I want to do it. I mean you should not judge or qualify what kind of people should or should not do a very cheap travel. I might have some money now but because I plan to spend a long time in Africa, without a way to get resources so I needed to save. Also, I do not have a home, a family or someone to come back and in a country nearby where I am travelling. If the money finished, if I get in trouble I cannot run away to my mammy or daddy: I have to figure out by my own. I just do not get it how those people that supposed to know all about this, and then be the most open mind people, are exactly the opposite.

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