17th to 19th of August, 2019.

              Birgu. This is the name of the city where Mario and his family live. Birgu it is one of the famous (but what is not famous in little Malta, hãm?) three cities, to where you can take a very tourist Ferryboat and visit. Remember how I just told you that most of cities in Malta have a medieval part? Yeah, Birgu has a lot! It is really incredible and beautiful. But I will tell you more about that soon. For now, let me introduce to you the Cachia family and how I am happy that I was chosen and invited to stay with them and I also choose to stay there, because other two guys had offer me stay in CS.
              I decided to leave Alex’s house around 6 p.m. because I did not want to be under the sun and the weather it is too hot. The way to Mario’s house it is quite long, 12 Km, but not too difficult. So with all the directions I get in there after 8.30 p.m, and I am surprise how I am not dying and super tired. The truth is that during my first week with Pet, I get rid of a lot of clothes. A lot. I had no idea how many clothes I had. Plus I decided, a very difficult decision by the way, to leave my camping stove and cooking equipment behind. It is less weight to carry, plus I always have to keep buying the gas, which cost money, so… I can just buy and eat raw food during the travels and enjoy some good cooked meals during the volunteer works.
              Mario’s amazing house it is just in the middle of this old medieval city, called Birgu Centre. While I am crossing I am in extase, just imagining how wonderful it would be to live in a place like this, coming back home every day after work, or whatever, and passing by all this beauty. If you, like me, believes that this old architecture it is beautiful, of course.
              A lot of people / tourists are having their dinner outside and Mario is waiting for me in the bus stop. Very friendly and kind since the beginning, he guides me for a few metres until his house. There, I meet Katka, this beautiful and also kind woman, which I like also since the first contact. I am introduced to their son, Daniel, a young boy who is so smart and pro-active, that can almost not let you know about his little autism condition. The house it is amazing! It is very old and the construction it is incredible, making you believe you are in a medieval movie, with all those big rooms and the stairs. The decoration as well is incredible, full of beautiful, curious and old objects. It is a really nice piece of work this house, and I am so glad that I have the luck to be chosen to be here. And I say that because I know that there is a lot of people coming to Malta right now and using CS.
              But more important than their house it is the Cachia Family. They are so incredible and friendly, just happy for being able to host and help this people, this travelers from around the world, who are up to visit their country and to learn more about from the local people. Katka is actually from Czech Republic (this country that I want to see so much) but Mario is 100% Maltese! My first CS host that it is 100% Maltese actually. So you can imagine how surprise I am (since my experience with Maltese people it was not being that good) in finding this incredible family, with a big heart, just opening their house to so many travelers (because since they have a lot of space, they usually have four to seven CS in the house! Really! It is true they are not here all over the year, because they come and go from Czech time to time, but still, what a wonderful attitude). And not asking for anything in exchange, hãm? They offered me some wonderful food and beer all the time I stay there and did not ask for anything in exchange. They even gave me some body soap (which I was in big need) to bring with me, because that is also something you can have during your stay with them: they provide towels and hygiene products for you. But even if they had not. Even if they had not gave me anything apart of a “under roof” in Malta, with their attitude I would still love them. Because I did not need to explain to them that I was interested in know them and their country more. This it is obvious when you use CS and in my profile as well. It is obvious that I will spend some time with them, and listen to their history and experience, and learn about their city with them.
              But why am I saying all of this? Because during those days I was looking for some CS host in Rome, Italy, and I was shocked in how many people were so stupid, rude and had not a clue about what CS actually is. And they think they are the only ones who do! They write a lot of shit in their profile, about how you must to read all of it, and add some “key word” so then they know that, and also how you must to behave as a CS. Like as they were the owners of the absolutely truth and you have to follow their rules to be “The Chosen One” and be accepted for them. Big-Bull-Shit! There was even this guy, so arrogant and super confidant of his power of observation, that truly believe to know me completely just for reading my profile and in his opinion I was just looking for free accommodation. Jerk! I am fucking glad that I did not stay with you! How dare you say something like that? You are so aristocrat and are so expecting something back from your CSs, and expect so much that people who travel must to have a lot of money and expend a lot in their travels that as soon as you see someone who travel without money using CS, you assume that the only reason is for free accommodation. Your mind is so small and damaged by the Capitalist and Consumerism system, that you are incapable to see people enjoying their travels and being wonderful CS when they travel without money.
              Meeting Mario and Katka just proved to me how the world can be a better place when you have some wonderful people like this, who have such a big heart and a smart mind to understand the world and the people, and not to be manipulated for a system that by principle do not care about human beings at all.
              During the Sunday I walk all over Birgu and appreciated its beauty. You should do the same. You can find beauty in the details along the cute alleys all over the medieval town or in the huge walls, constructions, bridges and sea views. Take two days just to be able to see everything and do not rush. But I also had time to meet and talk with the other CS that were staying in Mario’s house. Of course everybody was friendly and cool.
              At late night, around midnight, I left to take the Ferryboat. It would depart at 4 a.m. And the walking would take me around one hour but I wish to be there earlier as possible.

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