I do not even know how I start this chapter. Let is start by the dream: Michael Keaton was my professor in College, but we were a few decades in the past, and I liked him, what is a completely insane thing because I think Keaton is a jerk. Then this kind of party started and a hundred of celebrities, all those that I love so much, start to come. Including Paul McCartney! And guess what? I was mute! I could not say one single word to then. Not that I had too much to say or something valuable you know… I think I have been just thinking too much about all those guys that I will never met. And also watching too many videos about Foo Fighters.
The thing is: I did not choose the cinema or acting or music carrier. Now I have to live with that. It is too late to throw up everything and all my plans to just go to U.S. and try something that would maybe put me close to them. First of all, I have no way to get succeeded going to United States right now; second of all, even that for a miracle I could get in there I would never get succeeded in an acting carrier which would put me close to my heroes; and for last I also want to keep travelling! I mean, it is impossible to have everything that you want, right? I cannot keep my travels and also be famous and meet all the actresses and actors that I like so much.
This is one of those points that you think – maybe if I had made all my decisions different and have took a completely different way since the very first beginning of my life… But then everything would be different and maybe I would not even want all these thing that I want now. So you are saying that you will never be able to know what do you really want and life will be always unfair? Yes. Definitely. At least for us mere mortals who are born poor and not being Dave Grohl’s daughters.
Yeah, I mentioned them because yesterday while I was watching some interviews of him (he is so funny!) I discovery that both girls in the new video The Sky Is a Neighborhood are Grohl’s daughters. And he just told this incredible story: Violet tells him that she wanted shave her head because all the girls in her classroom have long hair, but she is so different of all of them that she did not want to have long hair anymore. That is fucking awesome! I realized how incredible should be be Grohl’s daughter. Not just because you have a genius as father, who also is one of the best song writers, drummer, guitarist and singer of the world and can teach you all of this, but also because you have all those nicest thoughts ever while you are still a child. I mean, it took me 21 years of my life to realized how I was different and that my hair it was not that important or had nothing to do with who I was. Violet has just eleven! Can you imagined what she will be doing when she have my age? She will change the world, girl! And what I learned with my father? How to drink? How not get hangover? Well, I definitely learned a lot of “how not to do those or these stuff”. And I learned that I could not play any musical instrument.
And of course I was checking the tours of them and they will be in Brazil next year, including Curitiba, where they never had before. However, now that I am here outside of that fucking shit country, now that I am here in Europe, they are coming to make a show in there. And about Europe? No. Not now. Just U.S. and Australia. So basically now that I am here, they are there. And when I was there (with depression and all that shit) they were here. What is all that about it?