Sunday, 3rd of September, 2017. 

              After. Good choice since we had churros with a chocolate cream that morning.
              When I get at the exit of the town, since I do not have a cardboard to write, I use my camping mattress and wrote a colorful ‘Barcelona’ on it.
              It does not take too much for a couple stop. The girl, Danielle, get out of the car and raise her hand for me so I run. Run, Lei, run!
              She and her partner, Miguel, have a nice love story: she is from Chile and he is from Spain. They met each other online and he went over there in Chile, where they lived together for three years. But as Miguel has children he had to come back to Barcelona and Danielle came a few time after and now they are for good. Nice, hãm?
              I tell them I have to get out at Martorell toll and I would take the train to Sant Vincenç de Castellet.
              Unfortunately Miguel it is not very well. He has this kind of reflux, probably something that he ate or drank. When we stop in a gas station where he could get some fresh air and water, he buys me a fresh brand new bottle of water.
              So we keep moving and I realize that we are kind of in a town, with houses and everything. It is when I see the train station. They brought me at the train station! I am so surprise with their kindness that I do not know what to say. Then, as that is not enough, they give me a train ticket, that they supposedly would not use. Yes! It is Sunday so I would have to buy my ticket in a machine (like most of the stations here in Spain) and I just have a 50€ note so I am fucked! But they save me again! Not one, or two, but three times in a day! Thank you so much Miguel and Danielle for everything! I wish you and your beloveds all the best!

              So I got in the station, use the ticket and now my next challenge is to figure out what line to take. Luck me that I had been done this since London, so after a few minutes (please, give me a break!) I know which one take and I still have a few minutes to eat some crackers.
              The trains here are slower than in England. Queralt said no but I have pretty sure they are. It takes me an hour to get at Queralt and Josep’s home. And I could feel that the train is too slow.
              The view is amazing, no doubt! But oh! So slow…
              The way from the station to the house is easy to find but not easy to do it. Checking on the map before I did not realize that it was up a hill! A long one! Maybe it is not a big deal when you are just walking but with my Monster it is to kill! Good thing that it has a bench in the middle otherwise I do not think I would get it.
              When I finally arrive the whole family is already at home! Josep just arrived a few minutes ago and Queralt, Helena and Martina are there too, waiting for me.


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