1st to 3rd of September, 2017.

               The first woman who I talk to, the social worker, is not that kind, but she help and let me stay. The other one who arrives in the middle of the registration is very kind.
              They let me stay for 6 nights, but of course I just need two nights.
              The first resident I meet is Joseph, an old guy who is going to collect grapes in Basco Country. He is nice and we talk a lit bit in that night.
              At the Municipal Housing they serve three meals: breakfast, lunch and dinner. I have my dinner over there and I am not shame to say that I eat fish. I am in a circumstance similar as the cavern man: you eat what you have to eat. The menu is French fries, fry fish, bread, cold soap, and yogurt as desert. I think it is great!
              We left our bags in lockers down stairs and do not keep the keys with us. I take only the necessary for my shower, my computer, camera and money and go to the room. Small rooms, maybe 3×3 m², but very clean. I had two small shampoos, one soap, teeth brush and teeth paste, a razor and a cream blade, towel and clean sheets and a pillow. And we have a key.
              When I got in the room, listen “Reign over me” on the radio, I cry. I started to think how is live with almost nothing, much less than I have now. How is to live on the streets and be a homeless. At that moment I decide to do something different, I decide to take another way in my travels (yes, another one), a way that makes me feel better than the one I imagined in my future just a few days ago. After this 3 months in Spain I have to have another perspective.
              But now I am still here in Zaragoza, sitting in an isolated part of The Bruil Park, and just a few minutes one of the guys of the Municipal Housing left me after talk a lot for several minutes. He is from Portugal and to not say too much, he most talked about how handsome he was and how this made a lot of people get jealous of him, and also about women. The end.
              Back to my first night in the Municipal Housing, around 5 a.m. the woman at my right side get up to the bathroom but had problems with the door, what made the woman at my left sided get upset and they both start to yell at each other and say horrible things. A very nice way to wake up in the middle of the night, hãm?
              The breakfast was served just at 8.30 a.m. but at 7 o’clock an alarm wakes up everybody.
              We have an sandwich (could choose between cheese or ham), two small toasts, olive oil, coffee with milk and juice. Again, very good for me.
              After finish, I take some stuff that I need from my Monster and leave her there (thank Loki!) while I walk around Zaragoza.
              Zaragoza is a Roman city. I mean, if I have to defined in one word. Because you can see the Roman traces everywhere. I mainly like how most of the buildings, in all windows, have beautiful balconies. It is a nice town, which grows around the Pilar Cathedral: this huge and monumental building. It is beautiful, outside and inside, but when I was in there, watching all the chapels and the “roof”, the only think I could think it is why to build something so big and gorgeous to a god who son preach the humbleness? I do not get that which made me feel bad and do not like anything else. And is not even allowed to take pictures! I take one, very hide, from the place I like more: no gold stuff, just a nice wall in rocks with a lot of details.
              After there, I go to the Palacio de Alifajia. You can visit inside but you have t pay. It is not expensive though. I just take a picture from outside and leave.
              I feel the same at the Roman Theatre. It is beautiful but I could see from where I was: why pay 3€ to get 5 metres closer? “Wow, Lei, just 3€ and you could not pay?” Yes, I do not think that was expensive, although you can pay 9€ and visited 5 museums. It is great! But I prefer save my money and going to Louvre than visited all the small museums in all the towns I pass through.
              So, it is 12 o’clock and I do not want to walk more or make more tourism in the town. So I decide came here to this park and write.
              The guy come back. He is here talk and talk and talk. Jesus
              I will stay one more night in the Municipal Housing. Tomorrow I will leave in the morning but I do not decided yet if before or after the breakfast.

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