14th to 21st of July, 2019.

               What I have to say is that the camping it is quite abandoned. Even that they keep saying it is because of low season, I cannot respect someone who treats a private space like that either wish to stay in a place that looks worse than an public albergue where I staid in Spain. The Municipal Housing of which I just post about it.
              The worse part it is the kitchen. Just horrible! I do not think anyone would pay to stay in that place if they ever see the kitchen. Plus there is almost no vegetables at all, just some old tomatoes and once in a while, potatoes.
              The workers are nice, helpful and friendly but they could make me uncomfortable sometimes with the way that they stare at me, or talking and laughing, etc.
              The owner itself I do not see for the first 4 days. So when I see him briefly, I have to ask for something to do otherwise I would be doing nothing. He tells me to simply clean the floor around the tents, getting ride of the weeds growing up.
              Apart of him, his associate is more around but speaks just a bit of English so also not to much communication.
              So I finally make my mind about going to the Guest House of that man with whom I talked in my first day in Jordan, remember? Plus I also need to arrange my way out of Jordan. But in the camp there is no wi-fi so I go to a camp just nearby and ask to use it. I am surprise with the elegance and well management of that one. It is called The Seven Wonders and for what I see it I recommend. But I do not know too much about it. The owner is nice and has a quite experience in travels.
              Anyway, next night, after I arrange everything (including to have bought a air plane ticket, the cheapest one, to Malta, with the rest of my debit card money), the owner comes to spend the night with some friends at the camp. He is drunk. I try to be nice with him. My mistake. He makes a move on me and because I am being nice he thinks I am into him. Actually I do not think it is just that. He keep saying that just to try to make me feel guilty about it or to try to convince me the opposite. It is ridiculous to see how some men truly believe they can change somebody’s mind and convince them to do whatever they want. Foolish.
              Next day he tells me some stories about the guy I suppose to go volunteer with it. But he also recommends me to another hostel in Wadi Musa, a backpackers. So since it is a place where I can go anyway, I decide to go there and do not take any risk. They are in Workaway too, so…
              Before I leave he tells me that on the day I will need to go to Amman (to take the flight), he will drive me there and we will stay in his friend’s house. I am stupid in accept but now I know that there is a reason for everything so when in the night before my departure he tells me that he cannot come and I will need to arrange a way to go and a place to stay for that night, I know it is not lucky or coincidence that I get two amazingly helpful and friendly people: one who offers me a lift and another who accepts to host me in last minute.

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