Friday, 1st of September, 2017.

 Before Zaragoza

               Hitch-hiking in a toll is suck! People are so concern in get their ways, driving fast before someone honk in their backs, that they do not even look around. Not everyone. Some people and some passengers still look at you and of course I cannot avoid to think – What a hell are you looking on at? Do you want to give me a ride? No? So get your ass out of here and stop staring!
              And of course there is the “private” thing. Explaining better: at the beginning I was in this small toll, with four cabins which just one was the direction to Zaragoza and the other three to Bilbao. Since my chances were obviously very low, I decided to move to the biggest toll, just a few metres further, with, I do not know, 8, maybe 10 cabins. I wrote Zaragoza in a carbon and just two or three cabins, the nearest of me, would be able to read and maybe stop. In a few minutes, a worker dressing a total orange suit, come to me and says I could not stay in there. He says that since is a private place, they could see me from the cameras and sent him to tells me to move. It seems I could stay in the last spot, the small toll, an not private area.
              I am going back by the motorway when he warns me I can go by inside the perimeter, should be safer. I am following him and a little bit concern, of course, preparing myself to some another guy appearing from nowhere and jump on me when we get in the other spot.
              It hads shadows (differently of the other one) and he says that also in there I would be safer. About that he is right but I knew my chances would be very smaller there.
              At that moment I am already preparing myself to get very late in Zaragoza, and have to spend one more day over there if I want to know the city. It is when I see a small truck making an kind of dangerous move a few metres from me. I have not to much time to think how crazy the driver is because he stops for me. You will know what happen soon. However, be careful! It is kind of confuse…               

The way to Zaragoza

               I am already in Zaragoza, and want (maybe for the first time) to write while I am in the city I am visiting.
              First of all: No sabes lo difícil que es escribir en Inglés después de pasar (solo) un día hablando Español. As much difficult as keep remembering to skeap in Spanish…
              My arrival here was a nightmare! Kind of. As you already read (even that I do not write the last chapter yet) the point were I was trying hitch-hiking was awful! Finally when somebody stopped for me, he was going to San Sebastian, that is in direction to Pamplona, that also goes to Zaragoza, but we were going back in direction of Bilbao, and going more North. What I mean is: more time and road until get in Zaragoza.
              The man who stopped did not wrote his name for me, so I will try write here what I heard: Nhame. A very nice man, funny, who told me about his family and how he appreciate the life he has it. He was working for a company which deliveres some industries machines but sometimes he helps people who have trouble in the road. He confessed me this part being his favourite because help people makes him happy. So nice!
              We passed some minutes looking for the correct place to delivery one crazy machine he had it in the truck. He was happy with my presence because another person could hear how crazy the coordinates given by the GPS were.
              After we finally found it the place and let the machine, he left me in a bus stop in direction to Pamplona. The possibility of passing for Pamplona was concerned me for two reasons: I would pass for the city which I avoid going to be an Au Pair; and also I would not have the opportunity to warn Koro and her family, what it means I could not pass to say “Hi!”.
              Was raining a little bit and after a few minutes a guy called Joseph, who works in a Hospital, stopped. Also a really nice guy! He told me had stopped because in the past, he also used to hitchhiking but only from one pueblo (village) to another. He was sixteen back that time. We had a nice talk for the long way until a little bit further then Pamplona and he left me 88 Km from Zaragoza in a god entrance but unfortunately it a kind of curvature. A nice guy stopped and said would left me in better place to hitch. He told me to like watching the sky because he lived in the countryside.
              Unfortunately he left me in a gas station with not to much movement of cars. When I started get concerned about it, my prince appears: Argel (Chelin). Probably (again) I’m writing his name wrong: sorry, honey! The thing is: he was so nice, funny (I really laughed with him), we have some things in common (both prefer the nature than beach), and of course after all of this, he looks cute and style as well: bearded, sunglasses, clothes, voice… I am almost sure that nothing happen between us, like no flirt or something like that. He was married with one child and not for one moment I felt as he was trying something, no: He was just being so nice!
              Unfortunately he was going only to the entrance of Zaragoza, to sign some peppers at work, but he said to me that would come back in 15 minutes, when he finally would go home, in Zaragoza, and for sure he would leave me in the centre. I was so happy in talk to him again that I was kind cheering to no one stop until he come back. When we say goodbye to each other was not so deeper because I guess both were thinking we would see each other again. I do not even get his contact… so sad…
              It was when Jesus appeared! Jesus was this sweetest guy too! He was not going to the centre but told everything that I need to know: he stopped in the bus stop, told me what bus to take, where get out, offered to pay the bus for me and told me about the Municipal Housing where I could stay (since is forbidden make camping). When he left, he gave me a hug, dos besos (two kisses in the cheeks), and a wish of good luck and very good feelings.
              I took the bus, went to the centre, asked for information and get in the Park Bruil, where the Municipal Housing is it.
              I had no idea what was going to happen (as usual, I know).

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