30th to 31st of August, 2017. 

              When I ask about Carrefour (I saw in the map on my computer that should be one around) an old man tells me that it is some kind of holiday, so it is closed. So I take my way to the park where I would make camping and by something for dinner, which later I would discovery to be a tortilla. I pass through some huge and gorgeous houses until I get in there. I do not know if is the street that I picked but it seems like Santander is made just of rich people or very old people who remain in their old imperial time mansions, that had been passed through the generations. The greatest thing is: no one of the houses repeat itself. It is nothing like Ballincollig, in Cork, where you always see a lot of equals and very similar houses, one beside another. In Santander each house has a different, specific and charming way to be built. Maybe the only similarity between them it is the three or more floors.
              The park, “supposedly”, would be closed at 9 p.m. So I just went around and find a small private beach, very nice, pretty view, surrounded by grass where I decide camping.
              In the morning some old fishermen tells me about how luck I was for not being put out of there since in Spain it is forbidden to make camping at city. Yes! I was completely devastated with that information! They also said that I was brave for do that just by myself and wondering if my tent was wet. It had rained a little at night.
              Walking to the Magdalena’s Palace, walking around the beach, I could not decided if I would go for a swim or not. I change my clothes below a tree, trying not to be seen and decide swim just a little bit. Probably I should try the water before change because I would save the trouble. The water is freezing cold so no swimming.
              After climb up the long hill to see The Palace, I discovery that the students already come back from the holidays what means the University was working normally and the tourists could go inside, just at weekends. I take a picture just from outside and I head towards the Cathedral.
              I stop in front of the Cathedral just to take a picture and when I move further to get inside a man started to close the gates. What? Yeah, definitely it is not my day in Santander.
              After eat an apple and a banana I get in the gas station where I planed to hitch to Zaragoza.
              A nice man stops to warn me about not being a nice place to hitch. I explain to him, in the kindest way that I could, that I have not other option. I thanks him and he leaves.
              A few minutes later this very nice woman, Cristine, stops. Surprise, surprise! She is not going to Zaragoza but I accept the ride.
             She tells that the first time she saw me, she thought I was British because of my style and the tattoos. Then when she saw me talking with the man at the car and smiling and being friendly, she figured out I had to be from South America. Crazy, hãm?
              Cristine is not the first or the last person to think I am from another country. Dutch, Danish, German, Italian, French, or from east Europe but with a good English. Even Spanish! They thought I am from anywhere here but never someone takes me as a Brazilian girl.
              We were going to Colindres, where Cristine’s mama, Mrs Encarna, lives. She asks me if I had eaten because her mother has the lunch ready. I am embarrassed to accepted but when Cristine calls her mother and tells her about me, the first thing she asks is: “She already ate?”
              The house is actually an old building of three floors. From outside is already beautiful but inside is just gorgeous! That kind of old constructions that I love and it is so amazingly decorated, as Mrs. Encarna very kindly shows me. Suddenly I would like to stay in there for more then just a hour. And also there is Lola: this small cute old dog, with a husky bark.
              For lunch we have nothing more nothing less than beans! Beans cooked and tasted exactly like my mother’s. And tomato and onions salad with olives. I could not believe in how luck I am and how kind those people are. After lunch I still have some fruit salad. Lola stay a few minutes in my lap while we eat.
              I ask for a photo because I have to get a souvenir from this moment. Mrs. Encarna very proud take out her cooking apron and go check herself out. So lovely! We go to the balcony to have the beautiful view in the picture.
              The sad goodbye is inevitable and Mrs. Encarna me with the kindest words that if I ever come back to Colindres I could and should pass in her house. Dear Mrs. Encarna, nothing would make me more happy than see you again and your lovely house and also taste your delicious food again.
              Cristine has to go back to work and that is why we are in a rush. She leaves me in the direction to Bilbao, which would inevitably lead me to Zaragoza. She also gives me a piece of carbon to write down where I was going. I am sitting in the road, writing my letters, very happy with my new friends and not concern at all, when the most unusual one stops for me: it took a long time for it found me but I guess unfortunately no one is free of the inevitable meeting with it: el diablo.

My camping in a private beach in Santander
My lovely Friends Cristine, Mrs. Encarna and Lola.

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