29th to 30th of August, 2017. 

              To get in the British Ferries they just checked our passport and the boarding ticket and let us go.
              When I checked the folder with the information about the attraction available, I realized that was a very fancy ferry. Swimming pool in my level, cinema, spa, restaurants, bars and coffees.
              The place where I reserved a seat looked like a room cinema as well: lines and lines of comfortable reclining chairs. The oldest and smarts backpackers took two nice places to lie down their camping mattresses and sleeping bags. By completely luck or just because I maybe was the first one to reserve a seat, my it was on the top, beside the wall, so I had some space to my stuff, freedom do go and back without disturb anyone, and also some space to lie down my camping mattress.
              I probably was the first passenger to take a shower. I washed my closes and put them outside to dry as the same with my boots (but because of the smell).
              I bought a Heineken, took my Doritos and went to the outside deck to enjoy the view while I had my dinner. The wind was too crazy! I stayed how much longer I could but after a piece of Doritos hit an old lady in the face (she was OK and when I told her that was a Doritos she even laughed) I decided to go back inside.
              Then I talked a little with Kevin: a kind of traveler as well, who enjoy looking for whales and dolphins while are in a ferry and who brought a bottle of wine that he gently offered me a bit and I accepted, of course. He lives in England but also have a house near to Santander.
              I had planned to go for swimming at night but unfortunately they closed the pool. Pff! So when I went to the restaurant I realized that there was this guy singing. He was not that good but since I was in there, why not? I took another beer, a Guinness this time, picked a place hidden but near to the stage to hear and see him. Unfortunately he just sang a few more songs and took a rest. Then a horrible magician came after. He remind me those nice ones that I saw in Cork, at street performance’s day. After most one hour of suffering, I was rewarded with three sisters who were completely amazing! I cannot remember their name now, I remember only that they were very young, with a gorgeous voice and attitude. Also extremely beautiful with their black power hairs and shining clothes. And outside of the stage they had this great own style and also were very kind and lovely. Just because of them the ferry worth it.
              When they finished and the guy came back, I decided take another drink. I was in doubt of another beer or a Piña Colada. I thought that since I could be dead in the other day or being deported I would prefer taste for a last time a Piña Colada than another beer. The girls at the bar did not look so happy in have to prepare a drink at that time and I do not know if was that or the drink itself that was just bad but I had to make some effort to finished. Reading this it sounds like I am a drank, does not? Funny.
              I think I could sleep a bit and clearly I did not die.
              In the morning I took the British breakfast but bacon and sausage. I was finishing my last Pounds so that is why I was buy all this stuff. To finish them all, I even had 3 delicious French Crepes! Caramel, Lemon and Chocolate!
              I planned everything that I thought I would have to say in the immigration and I even deleted my last month historic on my laptop. With everything packed I was not that nervous but of course I was concern with what could happen to me.
              Most of the people in front of me were from Europe so the immigration man just take a look in their passport and let them pass.
              When my time came, he took it my passport, said “Brazil, hãm…” then he check the date I arrived in UK (but since I had no stamps from Ireland he did not know I spent the last three months there) and said that I could just stay in Spain for 90 days. Then he asked if I had a hotel reservation, I answer that yes, in Barcelona. He stamped my passport and let me go. Just like this. Did not ask to see anything that I bring with me: statement, money, hotel reservation, healthy insurance or even my back ticket. I was going out of the station, cheering to they do not coming after me and almost not believing that I was in Spain.
It was raining. I crossed the street, waited below a newspaper while I check the directions and left. I was free.


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