Tuesday, 29th of August, 2017.

               Train station: the prices to Portsmouth were the same from last night: 18,20£. The guy ask me which Ferry I would take. When I said to Santander, he changes my station (from Portsmouth Harbor to Sea & something…) but just forgot to warn me. He said at least I would have to take a taxi. In my head I knew I would have to walk. Oh! The train does not have a exactly time but I know I have to be back at station around 2 o’clock.
              I just did not know how complicated would be to get back in there.
              I get in the tourist office to ask about where I bought the tourist bus tickets to Stonehenge. “Tourist bus” because, I do not know for sure, but it looks like there is no other way to get in there. Or they are just trying to make more money and then they hide the information because when I was already in the car park at Stonehenge, I saw a regular bus over there, so… If you are going over there, please take more time than me and ask and ask and ask. Do not be mistaken if you have another option.
              The lady warn me I could buy the tickets in there or in the bus that was leaving in less than five minutes. I ran, the bus was in there but the driver was a completely jerk! He said could not take me because he not supposed to be in there anymore. Yeah, the time he passed arguing with me would be enough to put me inside. Now here goes a warning: For all those people who cannot deal with people and work with it, mainly with tourists: QUIT! Go to do what ever other thing you want to do but stop being a fucking bastard, ruining others poor people’s life, your idiot! Some people wait their whole life to see some sights and they are really important to them, so when they have to meet with some jerk like you in the middle of the way, that is really hard. QUIT, you asshole!
              I was starting to think that I not suppose to go to Stonehenge. But I thought – Come on! After everything I passed until now? No, no way: I am coming!
              Two guys arrive at the bus stop and I ask to them take a look in by bags while I walk the two blocks until the tourist information and buy the tickets to avoid more complications.
              The bus leaves 10 minutes late, what make me lost 30 minutes since I have to wait 20 after the other one left.
              I change my pants for my shorts on the bus (it was almost empty) and passed some sunscreen.
              I make a plan to try leave my backpack in the tourist information or in the coffee. Another disappointment: “Oh! I am sorry but we cannot do that because we are a big piece of shit which does not care at all with other people, even when our job depends of them!” That it is what you should tell us, your assholes! And even when this very sweet lady overhear everything and offer to take a look in the backpack for me, the stupid woman who works there said she could not! What?? If I was not almost crying (big stupid emotions, I hate that!) I would say to her – How? Who you think you are to say to this lady here what she can or cannot to do? And the worse thing it was I had to leave there so quickly before start to crying that I could not even say thanks to that nice lady. I am sorry and I really hope one day you could read this and remember that day. You were dressing so well with some hippie clothes, you look so calm and gentle. I am really sorry about that!
              The thing is: I was not almost crying for have to carry my backpack: I have been done this for the last few days and months. The problem is I get so disappointed when I saw someone that could save someone’s day with a very small thing but rather be a completely jerk and say: no. And do not come with “It is against the rules” and some shit like that! It was not a small black suspicious bag that could be a bomb. It was a huge backpack, I was obviously a traveler who suffer a lot with it and was asking for someone to take a look for a single hour during which I would go, peacefully until the stones.
              After dried my tears I take my way. With the bus directly to the stones, I was in there in less than 15 minutes.
              The Monument it is beautiful. It is extraordinary to be in a place that you heard about it your whole life, that you saw in a lot of movies, that most everyone know about it. And they are really amazing! But all of you know how dreamer I am and how I am looking for something magic and supernatural in my life. That did not happen in Stonehenge. So where? Maybe Egypt…
              I stay for something like half an hour and left. I know, it is a shame. If I could, I would stay there, just staring at the Stones, the whole day… What if the government just invented them? Laugh. But you should totally do that. There are many different walks you can do in the Park, including walking to the Stones.
              When I get in the tourist bus, I tell the new driver that the last one was not a nice person but he, instead, was very kind. He said that I should just remember of him then. Wise man!
              I was back in Sailsbury with a lot of time to get the train.
              In the train, I take the coordinates to where I supposed to leave and go. It was when I realized that my ticket it was to Sea & something station, where I should leave and not Portsmouth Harbor. Thanks tickets sailor!
              In the way, I bought a Doritos, my dinner at the Ferry.
              I get in there a bit after 4 o’clock. It was fine, I was save.

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