7th to 10th of June, 2019. 

              It doesn’t take too much for someone pick me up. Three young guys going to Jerusalem but they warn me be able to drop me in a intersection. Once in there, again, it doesn’t take too long until this wonderful couple (Maya and her husband) with their dog Louise stop for me. They are going to a wedding, quite late already according to them.
              We talk a lot and I even give a lot of tips about Botswana to Maya because she is a photographer and it is planning to go there. She is gorgeous!
              Maya’s husband just decide to drive me to the junction where I have to go even that this act makes them a few more late than they already are to the wedding. They are the first people to show me how wonderful Israelis can be when it is about give it a hand to travelers.
              I borrow the phone from the lady who works in the gas station and call Neta. She calls Eran and he comes to pick me up. Already in the way he starts to tell me about the personal problems they are passing with their family and how it might happen that I will not be able to volunteer with them. I am very surprise, I admit, but I have a very mature behavior and quickly already start to think about my other options of volunteering right now. I already told all the other hosts who accepted me that I am not available anymore, so now I need to think.
              Eran shows me around and we decide I am going to stay in his ex-wife place for the weekend. We do some vegetables and fruits shopping and go to her place. It is a wonderful house in a town close by. He is feeling very sorry for the inconvenient but I am totally fine and actually quite surprised that I will spend two days in that wonderful place.
            Next night, Saturday, Eran comes to pick me up and I come with his family to have dinner in his sister in law house. Eran’s wife, is so lovely and I feel so comfortable with her, as I knew her for years already. Her sister’s family is also lovely and we spend an wonderful night all together.
            Next day, Sunday, it is a annual holiday about Agriculture, and there is a celebration in a open space in the kibbutz. I go there with Eran’s family and it is a beautiful celebration. Simple, but very well organized, with dance performances, kids and adults, families and local business showing their success in the harvest of the year, kids and families all happy together. And in the end, everybody go to the centre and dance all together. I think it is lovely and I am very happy to be there just in time to see it.
              I decide to go to a hostel, in the North of Israel, in a area called Golan Heights. It looks like a beautiful area, surrounded by nature and spring and waterfalls. Luckily, they accept me even that I ask to stay just for three weeks. I am leaving Monday morning and Eran gives me a ride to the road in direction of Katzrin, the town where the hostel is. He keeps apologizing about the fact that I cannot stay there but I am totally fine with it and I hope he had understood that.



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