I was kind of freaking out about my travel for a while. For pure stupidity and laziness, I left to looking for a place to stay, a family to be the next Aupair, to my left month here in Cork. I know that does not sound like a bad thing, but until get the answers from the families and also missing some good opportunities with families who live near to the big cities, made me feel like a stupid and irresponsible person again.
              So I started to think about a lot of stupid things, like to give up and come back to Brazil or not looking for jobs or Aupair stuff anymore and just keep travelling until become a homeless leaving on the streets.
              After a whole week sending requests and not sleeping very well, I established a few important steps: If I found a family in Spain, great! But them after the three months, I would spend some time travelling just by myself, not doing Aupair or anything like that; If I did not, I could accepted the request of the French family in Portugal (which I was avoiding a little because I would prefer stay with locals); If they did not answered me, I would try find a boat going to anywhere, just to get some sea experience and try a totally new and not expected country; And for last, spend one month between Spain and Portugal, just travelling, and from there, to try a family in France or whatever.
              What happened? Well, I got a very good answer from Koro’s family. Lovely woman, we have a very good chat, everything looked great, I felt honor because she was already talking with another people but really liked me and decided she wants me as her Aupair! Unfortunately, when I was researching about their currently town, Pamplona, I figure out that is a place very famous for its bulls race. Yes, those races when they kill the bulls at the end. Of course sometimes humans are seriously injured or even die, and the races happened just in July and I was going there in August, but still I felt that would not be good for me to be in there. I know that is not everyone who likes that, even Koro confirmed that, when she told me be completely against as well, but even so, I just have to refused.
              By the time, I was also changing some messages with another family, from a town near to Barcelona: Sant Vicent del Castellet, and we had a very good chat by Skype. The girls were adorable, the whole family had this great feeling together. They explained a lot of stuff to me, they (Martina and Helena actually) showed me the house and the big beautiful black cat, so everything looked fine. I actually had such a good feeling about them, as I was already belonging to that family.

P.S.: If you are interested in knowing what the Brazilian sentence in the title means, you can search about it. Tip: it is a very common popular speech over there.

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