31st of May to 01st of June, 2019. 

              I got a lift from Cairo to a small town somewhere before Luxor, my next destination. But the guy ended up being a jerk! He kept showing me videos of Brazilian women almost naked, kissing other guys and was trying to say (in his horrible English) something about Brazilian women like sex a lot. I kept my firm posture and was telling him that not all Brazilians are like that. In the end, instead of drop me in the road to Luxor, he dropped me inside the small town, near to a police post, and told me to get out. Asshole!
              Talking to the police, I asked to take a bus to Luxor, you know, fuck it! But they speak no English of course, so when they try to put me in a taxi to the next town, I told them I had no money for the taxi. So they found a taxi and talk with the driver, I was in.
              In the taxi, three nice young man were trying to talk with me. Again, no English. The driver was try to married me and of course no English. I will never understand what the hell it pass in those old man mind. Why in Loki’s world some young foreigner girl would accepted to marry them? I wish I had that self-esteem.
              In another small town before Luxor, where we need to take another bus, one of the young guys, who was also going to Luxor, staid with me to help. We wait for a long time for the bus, there was a lot of people, and it was fucking hot. One bus finally came, we fight to get in and took our way.
              We try to talk a little bit during the travel, using Google Translate in his phone and he seemed a nice guy. During the travel, since it was still Ramadan, we got some fresh cold water and juice and dates. In the end, he didn’t let me pay for the bus and I didn’t want to offend him so I accepted.
              In Luxor, it was already night. I walked to a church and asked about making my camping. They said no. So then I stupidly decided to go to ask for help to the police again. How could I be so stupidity? They were actually “tourist police” and this is what happened: I asked about a place to make camping and told them I had no money for a hotel or for the train. One of the officers, a married one, asked me to marry him; they brought a few different people to speak with me, in English, and kept offering different kinds of help, put me in the train, let me sleep in a hotel for the night, and I thought everything would be fine. After hours waiting, they started to write down a declaration about my situation (and even with a translator, probably the worse one in the whole world), made me sign (again, and stupidly I did) and they told me I should go to another police station where I would be fine. There, after waiting again for hours, I finally decided to ask what was going on, and they told me that in the paper sent with me, it was written that I was asking money to people and that was illegal. Yeah, after hours talking with different people, including a “translator”, they got at that conclusion. All of that because I accepted that young guy to pay me the bus. I think in somehow they believed on me in this police station but apparently there was nothing they could do so in the morning I left the building using handcuffs, just in one hand but still, in the police truck for prisoners, with another prisoners, in direction to court. There was another case of ridiculous injustice with a British guy, a British! If I didn’t know now that almost the entire country is really ignorant, even those ones with a degree, I would say that in the guy case it was just a mare of revenge. Maybe it was both. Anyway, I was the first one to talk with the judge, he also didn’t speak a good English but after I told him I just want to take a bus and leave, he let me go quickly and easy. I think he barely understood what I was doing there anyway. Trying to get some help (laugh) to come back to the police station and grab my stuff, I had to hear from the officer that I could go back by myself (how in the hell I could do that since I was locked inside the truck and could not pay attention in the way to there), or wait for hours until everybody else had finish their “session” with the judge and them they would bring me together. The same guy that a few minutes ago, in front of the judge, said it would bring me back to the police station. In those moments I wish so hard I could have any kind of super power, just to be able to use against him. Those people deserve the worst. For those people there is no such thing as “karma” because I unfortunately don’t believe they will be punished one day. In my opinion, they are the worse type of person ever, because in opposite of thieves, muggers, rappers, and even murderers, they suppose to help people, but they just embrace the bad part of the job and treat everybody like shit, not distinguishing between the good guys and bad guys.
              I got some help from a taxi driver though. He and his friend were shocked with my story and drove me to the police station and then to the train station, without charge me. I think nobody likes the police in Egypt. He even tried to pay me a coffee or something but I was just not in the mood.
              I don’t know why I took the train and not the bus to Aswan. I was actually still deciding if I would go to Abu Simbel or not, I mean, after all of that, you know. But I realized that I could not let “they” win. The train was just after six in the evening. I was asking for information at the Tourist Information and got a lot of help from the guide there, NAME, he let me stay there, in front of the fain the whole day and his boss even told me to take a nap on the floor. Wonderful!
              On the train, more involuntary help from a tourist guide: he told the ticket controller that I would move from the second class to the first one as soon we star to travel. It was sweet of him but to be honest, in the end, there was not too much difference between the two classes. Both very good! Anyway, in Aswan, he brought me to a cheap hotel (at least this time I didn’t make the same mistake) and I could have a good night of sleep before leaving to Abu Simbel Temples.

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