29th to 31st of July, 2017. 

              When I decided go to Dublin again, was about give it another chance to the city and make sure I will not regret about do not going in there again.
              It worth it? Nhé… sort of it. I mean, obviously me and Dublin do not have too many things in common and we do not get along very well for sure, but still was an experience.
              The girl which house I did Couchsurfing was a Brazilian lady called Tammy. I have to say that she was completely different of what I could ever, I do not know why, imagined. I mean, she was nice but at the same time she treated me as a completely lost traveler, she also treated me as a local who supposed to know exactly what was doing.
             Anyway, I went to Dublin for the three days I was in there, and I walk and walk and walk until I could not walk anymore. I got a lot of rain and wind, then I dried and got a lot of rain again. I missed the museums and the IMA (for stupidity!), I missed the Guinness Storehouse Brewery (because I would not spend 20 Euros on it), but I walked enough to say that I know Dublin. With the city map you can get an idea of where you can go. But be aware: it is very easy to get lost anyway, because the city is full of alleys and some of them are tricky to find on the map or are not even there! I got a bit fancy (because I still had some money at this time) and had some pies in this popular place called Queen of Tarts, which is a small place (so the best call is get take away and enjoy your sweets in a park) but pretty cute and with nice pies. I also visited the most famous Pub in town: The Temple Bar. Over there I got my first Guinness ever! The best place for it, I would say, right? Yes, better than in the Brewery… The Castle looks pretty dull (that’s what my face is saying…); The Trinity College Library it is gorgeous and totally worth it (but there is always a huge queue, so be prepared); getting a traditional dish plus a beer in a local restaurant can be pretty cheap.
              Back at house, the other people over there were most of the time, and mostly, very nice. Highlighting Commark this very sweet and kind guy who was the whole time trying to make me feel comfortable. The other ones were very nice as well: Alex (roommate of Tammy) was very kind too, and some other people who live in there or were just visiting friends (as that Commark’s girl friend, very style with a lot of tattoos and her very white skin, she was very sweet with me). I only felt a strange thing from the other Brazilian girl leaving there, Carol. It seems she was judging my travel plans, mainly the way I was doing it. I remember she saying “Because I came to Ireland in the way that everyone should came, with a Visa to study and to live in here”. And she also was talking about politics in a way that looks like she was doing something to make difference, when actually she was not. At all!

              Now I really have to talk about my returning to Cork. I did not tell you guys, but at the beginning I thought make hitchhiking go and back. But I do not know what happened to me that, when I was leaving Cork and passed in front of the bus station, I decided to go over there and check the buses. It was 08.25 in the morning and I bought the ticket to the 08.30 bus. Uhul! I thought. At the door of the bus, the driver (a new guy) said that there was not seats anymore and I would have to wait until the next bus, at 10.30. Should I wait and get pretty late in Dublin? Should I trying hitchhiking for sure and just ask to they refundable my tickets? I did not have to decide, since the second driver (an old employer one) came from inside the bus and already taking my backpack say it “Go ahead! There is one more seat and it is for you!) Crazy, hãm? Yeah, I know. And it was like this that, after over 3 hours, I got in Dublin.
              But to going back I decided that I would hitchhiking for sure. So, after walking in Dublin for over 4 hours without stopping, I had to walk one more hour to get to a good hitchhiking spot.
              My first ride was a guy from Croatia, with a very strong accent. He was very nice, told me about his life and family and unfortunately he was just going further the point where we were but not to Cork.
              After him, and old man, who much remind me Michal Kennedy from Tarbert, also gave me quickly ride until where he was going next. Very nice sir, he said something that everyone should listen: “Everything that you think you could not do, then you will not do”. Unfortunately I think that is a exception to me with the piano.
              Then, an old lady that at the beginning looked all right but I think that I brought her some sad memories. She said has stopped for me because I reminder her when she was young and used to hitchhiking with her friend. Sadly, her friend just died, a day ago, and in that exactly moment, she was going to her funeral. She cried a little bit while telling me that and refused to answer some calls because she did not want to talk about it.
               Again, abandoned in the middle of nowhere, a couple who was just going a little bit further as well drove me for a few minutes and left me in the road again.
              Every time that something like that happen to me I say that next time I will just take directly rides. But when you are in the road you always think that at least you will be a little bit closer. What I have to think is maybe I am losing a very good directly ride that was coming just after that 10 miles one. Something to think!
              At least after that, a very nice and kind woman, Catherine Lee, and her cute dog Lulu (Yeah, I know…) drove me until a gas station directly connected with Limerick. Catherine was adorable (as Lulu of course, who lovely spent the whole travel in my lap) and after our good and funny talk, she said to me that if nobody stop for me until the night time, I should call her and she would pick me up to spend the night in her house. How lovely was that? Thank you, Catherine for your great heart!
              Just after a few minutes in the gas station, Melissa and her three boys plus her two ponies, in a caravan, stopped for me. They were going back to Limerick after a pony tournament where the boys had participated. Very adorable boys, looked like a nice family. I know she drove a little bit out of her way just to let me in a god place to hitchhiking. Thank you Melissa for your kindness!
              So, after six rides I finally get in my last one: Ursula and Sean. Very nice names for a couple, hãm? And they were a very nice couple as well. Adorable! They were coming back to Cork after visiting some relatives and after a nice talk (Sean used to hitchhiking when he was younger too) they left me just two blocks from the bus stop to Ballincolig. Nice, hãm? Thank you guys, I know that was just for a few minutes but I felt so comfortable with you two that was like we spent long hours together.
              My long journey from Dublin finished with me cooking a Broccoli lasagna and drinking a Chardonnay.

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