Sunday, 21st of May, 2017.

              Kevin stopped to me. After the hole thing about Galway, I could not believed that he was really going directly to the same town as I. He was a doctor, a very young one, and also very nice one.
              Killarney it was not that far so we could not talk to much but he was adorable. He left me in front a Tesco because I said need to buy some groceries.
              I left The Monster in a hostel and started to walk. The town is as charming as Galway and the others. Very pretty and very tourist. The Cathedral and the entrance of the Old Market are common attractions as for all the cute alleys and small streets. I even found my own Hostel: The Black Sheep.
              Another huge attraction is the Killarney National Park. An amazing natural area, with a beautiful lake and great trials with great views. Quite at the end there is the Castle, at the lake, which unfortunately you have to pay to visit, but I did not. I was having thoughts about make my camping at the Park (even with the “no overnight camping” warn at the entrance) but by silliness or something I changed my mind. I decided that the best thing to do was going back and keep moving to find a place near to the road where I could make camping.
              At the road I saw a sign about a camping area but decided keep moving. Just a couple of hundred metres after, I found this Pike Wood, with no “not overnight camping” sign (Yay!) so I decided check out. At the beginning I thought the stream would be a problem because I would have to cross it but walking a little more, I found a place, that already was used buy another campers (unfortunately I could said that because of the trash and fire pit they left) and kind of hidden from the trail, so I stayed there. Ironic, the first time I was surrender by water, I would not cooking (when I would needed to wash the dishes) and just, finally, made a sandwich. I thought the sound of the stream would be a problem but it was not.
              In the morning, after coffee, I walk until a small bridge, very near where I was, and read in another warn about that place being used to celebrate catholic mass, in secret, when they were forbidden, around 1690. Who says that just witches celebrate their festival in the woods, hãm?
              At the road, just after a few metres, Habib took me. It was 22nd of May and I do not need to be in Cork before the 27th. My plans were just keep going to the next town, spend the night, and keeping doing that for more two days and get earlier in Cork. But Habib was actually going to Cork, so I take that as a sign and decided get sooner in there.


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