Saturday, 20th of May, 2017.

              The town it was Target and I decided not to walk as a crazy one and just to ask in this house, with a big garden and some trees (my nighty bathroom), if I could make my camping over there. The funniest thing is that I almost left without try it. When I passed for the house, I almost kept walking and looking for some other place, but them I just remembered what an old and wise man (one of my rides) told me once: “If you do not ask, you do not get it” so I came back and ask. And I am so glad that I came back.
              The first person who I spoke was Michael’s son. He was very nice and after I already explained everything to him he just ask me to wait because he had to ask to his father. While I was waiting, Mary (Michael’s wife) arrived with her daughter, Catherine, and her mother, the grandmother, and they all were very sweet with me.
              When Michael come, he was trying to clean his hands and concerned about not let me waiting so I almost could not understand what he was talking about. It was when I figure out that I would not make camping because I would stay in the house.
              They all went inside and when Mary left again, this time to took her mother back, they were very kind with me and were amazingly surprise with what I was doing and said that I could go inside where two very lazy boys could prepare me a tea. They were her sons.
              Michael told me about their dog, this lovely female, with some angry control problems, and how would be impossible for me to make camping outside because of her. I met her and we went very well, but she still kept barking to the whole world. So Michael showed me the suite, a lovely place with a very comfortable bed, where I should spend the night.
              I had a nice conversation with the two boys, very smart and sweet ones, and I played a little bit of Basketball with the youngest one. And I also talked a lot with Michael, of course. He was always interested in what I had to say and curious about everything and about Brazil. When his sons told me that he was a Chemistry teacher, a lot of stuff made sense. He also show me two pictures: one of JFK and another of Mr. Walter White.
              They cooked a pizza! A pizza, can you believe? After a few days eaten camping food I could not believe in my luck. Also, I avoid the awkward situation of telling them I was vegetarian so the lovely angry dog save me the trouble of eating all the pepperonis slices.
              Mary and Catherine came back just about 11p.m. so we just chatted a little bit before I go upstairs to take a shower and go to sleep. It cost me a little bit to fall asleep because I was still too exciting about this amazing thing that just happened to me.
              In the morning, Michael prepare me a breakfast with cereal, tea and white bread and soya bread. We chat a little bit more and I forgot to say that we talk a lot about politics too. Then he told me about Killarney Town and how I should go over there. I had decided take another way, but since they were going in that direction to make shop and Michael spoke so well about the town, I changed my mind.
              When Mary was ready to join us and discovered I was going to Killarney, she was so sweet and said “Oh, If I knew you were going over there, I would have gotten up early an join you!”. I would love if you had come with me, Mary!
              Before we leave, Michael show me his lab. I was fascinated! It was this huge place completely full of machines and a lot of stuff that I can not even describe. It was like I was inside one of those sci-fi movies. And there was this very good vanilla smell (from one chemistry reaction). Michael’s work is very noble: he and his time make tests about new drugs and medicines to see if they really work and can be used for us.
              In the car, me and Catherine had this little chat. She want to be a teacher! A chemistry teacher. She is a lovely young lady!
              To met the Kennedy’s was a great pleasure for me. One of the biggest ones in my trip. I never thought that to go to that house could be the best decision ever and would make me feel better about human beings. Actually I never thought that something like that could happened outside of the good movies (Wild). The Kennedy’s family was one wonderful thing that happened to me. I love then and I will never forget them. There are no thank you enough in the world that I can use to express my gratitude.

P.S.: The picture is from the archives of Cork City Goal, in Cork, Ireland.

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