Saturday, 20th of May, 2017.

               Cliffs of Moher it is a place that when I saw on the map and decided to know. The “map”, it is just a tourist thing so I have no idea about the distances or the exactly way and smaller roads to get in most of places, so I just follow my instincts.
              For the first time, a cab stops to me. John, an old man who called me Rose Smith because according to him, Leilane Ribeiro was too difficult, is waiting for his time to take a passenger so he decide to help me in the middle time. He leaves me in a better place to hitchhiking to the Cliffs. A few minutes latter he came back and drive me a little bit further. It is the road that people must to take to going to Moher.
              A couple in a van stops: Catherine and Camble. She is from New Zealand and he from North Ireland, Derry. They are passing just a few days in here and are trying to go as much further they can in the countries. It is the first ride which I go together with my helpers to a sight. The way to Cliffs of Moher it is beautiful! Those really scenery views from the movies. Unfortunately, I am not with my camera. When we make a fast stop to toilets and snacks, Camble ride this small bicycle he bought in the morning. I did not told you but Camble is this very tall and huge red Irish man, what make the scene of him on a tiny bicycle even funnier.
              The Cliffs are amazing! You really can think that you are in one of those adventures / fantasy / middle Ages movies or television series. I would love pass more time over there, sit on the grass and eat something, read and think about life. But I am a guest so I just keep moving with Catherine and Camble. Now thinking, maybe at the middle of the day I could just tell them that I would stay longer and try to get another ride by my own later.
              We walk a lot: from one point to another of the Cliffs, something about 3 hours. It is a very bad day to choose not to pass suns cream. Would be simply amazing if my feet was not hurting as death. Still, it totally worth it the pain. The Cliffs of Moher definitely worth a whole day visit: try it to plain arrive in the morning and bring some food (you do not have to pay to visit the Cliffs, but if you are by car, you will have to pay the parking), then walk around all the place, stopping to appreciate the view in different points while taking some bites. Do not forget the suns cream! Even with the cold the sun can be tough.
              To get on the Cliffs is a quite long way as much to get out of them, so I thought that I could just keep going with the couple until the next town where I could make my camping. Now I know that it was silly of me simply had not made my camping anywhere in one of those cities, people are very lovely in Ireland anyway, so I think that would not be a problem keep going with them (since they were keep moving city to city) until I find a better place.
              Unfortunately, I feel the things started to change and suddenly I feel uncomfortable as a strange and a burden. Not as much for Camble but to Catherine. We cross a few cities by the cost and stop in one of them to buy some groceries. I decide just make a sandwich that night.
              When we take a ferry to get in the next town I said to myself that I would stay there, without think or even look for a place to camping before get out of the van.
              I would figure out sooner that sometimes we had to feel a little bit not welcome anymore to find a place where people will treat you as family: the Kennedy’s family.


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