Friday, 19th of May, 2017.

              I was going to Galway and for the first time I had to take a lot of rides to get in somewhere. The first one, the guy of the pick up, Donagh, was this very nice veterinarian man, who was fishing and give me his card just in case I needed anything. He left me in a nice place to hitch-hiking because he was going to Dublin.
              While I was waiting for the second ride, in the other side of the road a car passed and the guy screamed “I will be back in a few minutes”. Hahaha. I have no idea if he meant that or was just joking, but after a few minutes Patricia took me. She was a very lovely lady and she stopped even with this problem in the left side door, that could not open, so I have to jump for the drive sit. We have a nice talk, she gave me this tip about the “extras” website, where we can subscribe to act in some movies or series, but unfortunately she did not know that we have to pay for it. She left me in another nice place to keep hitch-hiking.
              The third ride came in a very nice suit guy. Inside of his car, otherwise, it was a messy. He stopped for me while was in the phone so I just understood that he was going to Castlebar. It was in the middle of the way so I accepted. He actually did not know for sure how to get in there but he was nice and left me in another nice place to keep hitch-hiking.
              The forth and last one it came from Tommy. He was going exactly to Galway. Galway Square to be precisely. He was this very calm and tidy and easy going person. A little different of all the other rides, we not talked the whole time. Actually, for me, it was as we already knew each other so we did not to talk all the time.
              Tommy left me in a perfect place. I could go to a toilet (I learn something in my city walks: if you are poor like me, and did not like those kind of fancy department stores that sell Channel and Douce & Gabana, you can take your revenge always using their bathrooms when you need one) before find a hostel (I had already search for one and had a Google Map picture with me) to leave The Monster and take a tourist map so I could go around.

              Galway is such an interest town! Sometimes we think, at least I used to think, that all those small towns are and just looks like the same. Wrong! Each one of them have a different way “to got” and a specific charming (or disappointment) and very different people. Each one of them have a secret. To me, for a lot of reasons, Galway is magnificent! The people were very nice, what made me feel very comfortable walking on the streets. The streets with those incredible and charming and old small stores, lovely and totally amazing. One of then named in my honor “Wooden heart”. I am just kidding (should be “Ice heart” to be in my honor). It also had this church built in the year of 133? A lovely old lady, who works over there told me about it. How not think amazing the fact that they have a black swan? I mean, everyone in the city knows about it and they tell to every tourist so now the black swan it is already a local celebrity. And it is so cute! I follow it and find it! And the cathedral… Oh! It is just incredible! It is my favorite until now. That is because when I get inside, I literally let my chin drop. It is huge and indescribable. I am sorry about that, but you have to see and feel it, then you will know what I am talking about. It was nice because I pass some minutes over there, just checking the forest where I would make camping, so I could enjoy it.
              In my way out I have a lot of difficult to find a place that sells beer. Yep! Most of them just sold wine. I could drink wine but I would have to spell too much money in a small bottle since I could not carry a big one. At some part of the city, I went to this brand new Brazilian store. Pretty nice! When I arrived I started to make a lot of questions to the attendant just to check if he was from Brazil. He was from Rio Grande do Sul. We did not talk to much because some customers came and I just left.
              Finally find a beer! And a 8% alcohol for a such nice price! (But why you want so hard a beer, Lei? You might be wondering… Well, after those long walks, with and without The Monster, I got pretty exhausted, so a nice beer make the relaxing time before go to sleep much more enjoyable). The forest otherwise was not that easy but I finally found it. It is called Merlin Park Woods and it is crazy how it is near of a big hospital. Before to find a nice place to make camping (I was feeling as a invader or something), I took some pictures in this nice Merlin Castle, which is in the middle of the way. Funny fact: when I went to stream to wash my dishes after eating, I lost my tent for a few seconds. Laugh. And my tent is turquoise. Laugh. That is what I called a good spy who know how to hide. Laugh.
              That night was OK. I cooked and ate with my beer. I swear I get a little drunk but just because I drank with no food in my stomach. On purpose.
              In the morning I took my way out. Next destination: Cliffs of Moher!

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