Wednesday, 17th of May, 2017.

              A lady who was a tourist guide picked me up. She was actually not going to Donegal Town but could drive me closer there and gave me a tip about Murvagh Beach, a place that according to her I should see.
              My next lift was a pretty decent man. He was very polite, and in opposite of Gary, drove very safety. He told me about his family and we talk about the education of the kids nowadays. It was nice. After he gently bought me a coffee, I asked him to drop me at Murvagh Beach. I was again not thinking about visiting towns too much so I thought that just staying at the beach and them keep going by the cast would be a good idea. At the end it was not bad but sometimes I think in what I missed in Donegal Town.
              At the entrance of the beach, a warn about being forbidden over night camping. I decided walk far away from the warn and if I was caught, maybe use that as an excuse.
              The beach it was nice and beautiful with sometimes a lot of rocks and sometimes just sand. For a long time all that I could see were farms and cute cows and sheep. I regret not have taken any picture of them. When it started to rain I took out the canvas of my tent and stayed under it for a few of minutes. But it was a beach rain so it passed fast. I had some pretty view of the clouds going around and coming back in contrast of the blue sky behind and the ocean plus the smooth color of the sunset which was approaching.
              When I finally found a place without any fence, some beautiful good grass, in a elevate place with a safe distance from the sea, without missing the view, I decided to make my camping over there. It was at the end of a big hill and I could see a big house on the horizon. After put my tent, I took out my boots and walk until the sea, put my feet on the water and remained sit in there for a while. At some point I saw a man and a dog in a small shack nearby. I do not think he could say if I was a man or a woman by the distance but I have to say that I kept thinking about that for a while during the night.
              After cooked some vegetable soup (a hot meal is always a relieve in the end of a exhausted day) I started try to sleep. With that I had two problems: first it was the cold. I overestimated the sleep bag I bought (10° to 5° Celsius my ass!) and underestimated the Irish cold, because Oh My Loki! Of course that at the beach is always too windy and that just made it worse. So after put almost all my clothes I was a little warm. The other problem were my thoughts. You see, second time making camping alone (not that it changed too much later) makes you think a lot of nonsense crap. And actually, as much nice the last driver was, he freaked me out a little bit telling me some stories about girls who were raped and killed in Europe. So, anyway, it was a little hard to sleep at the beginning but I managed. My reward at the morning it was a astonish view of the beach and the clouds at the sky.

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