21st and 22nd of December, 2018.

              So there I am, at the backpackers talking with the owner (again) and asking (again) if I can put my ten for free over night. Of course now is a different situation because I am doing the cage diving with them. Hayley is pretty nice and let me stay. They do not have an actual camping sigh but the place where I settle up my tent was full of threes where I could tide it and it was easier than with the pins. She also fixed my date and I would be able to go next morning, Saturday. The backpacker is of course great, also full colored, lots of books and maps with attractions to do. Swimming pool, bar, plenty of space outside and two amazing kitchens, one in each side (left and right) what I think is awesome so everybody can cook at the same time. But the best “thing”for me it was their cat: the fattest cat in the world! So cute! Also, the trainee receptionist (which unfortunately I forgot the name) was really lovely and friendly. Here there is their website: http://hermanusbackpackers.co.za/. I really search about the cage diving with sharks and this was the best price plus everything that I found.
              OK, after settle my camp, since I had lots of time, I took a nap and waited for the sun get weaker to go for a walk. Oh! You need to take the path around the cliffs, is amazingly beautiful! And safe! There are security guards all over the place. You can ended up at the whales view, which is also nice. Remember if you are hoping to see them, the best time of the year is between July and November, and you should go very early in the morning. I was not that lucky.

              I woke up early next morning to make sure everything would be ready when the guy pick me up. He supposed to come at 9 o’clock. The day before, when Hayley call him to exchange my dates, she asked if he could give me a lift for free back to Cape Town. He would think about it and I would be thrilled if he could do that.
              A few minutes pass 9 they arrived. At first sight, Wiehann was quite intimidating. And unfortunately, since I did not talk to him most of the day because of that, I would figure out how sweet he was just when we were going back to Cape Town.
              So here is something important to now: the dive it happens in Gansbaai, not in Hermanus. So if you are coming from Port Elizabeth or somewhere in the Eastern Cape, you do not need to go until Hermanus. They charge R200 for the transfer from Hermanus to Gansbaai. It is about 45 minutes and definitely is the best price on the market. But gain, if you are with your own vehicle or have a way to arrive in Gansbaai and spend the night there, do it. Just make sure to be at Kleinbaai Harbour, about 9.30 in the morning or before. The payment it happens there and all the explanations and the changing into wet suits as well. And the wonderful breakfast which is included too.
              I was not nervous as I thought. I was just hoping so much to see the sharks that I could not think clearly about something else. Not for example to make a nice picture of me going into the cage, with the wet suit and the googles. I also was very introspective, not talking with anybody. I do not know why.
              So there we are, in the boat, going just 15 minutes or so into the sea. I was hoping it was further, deep sea, but no.
              Because of the baits, pretty soon the sharks were around. I would be going on the third group. Four people go inside the cage per time. Just seeing the sharks from the boat it was already amazing. I could not imagine how would be in the cage. I had not even time to arrange my glasses inside the goggles because there were three people ready already and they just pointed on me: you! So it was quite an adrenaline when I saw myself going through the cage.
              No words to describe! The feeling I felt it was indescribable! But I will try to do my best in respect of my dear friends and readers. It was the best thing ever happened to me. The sensation of being so close to those incredible and huge animals is one life experience. And woman, when I say close I really mean that. Many times their nose came inside the cage and in a instinctive move we all move back into the cage. Not for fear… well… maybe a little, but mainly because it is what you would do facing any animal inside a cage. The focus is in the most extraordinary good feeling I ever had in my whole life! And I am sorry for my male lion in Botswana but those sharks won my heart without a blink. And I did not miss my glasses at all! That is how they were close, baby! There were lots of them. I counted at least twelve! Of course nothing is perfect and we had not one single Great White shark, but is how life is. You must take the best of any situation and girl, I am telling you, what I felt with those sharks, it will take a long time to be replaced for something. If it get replace one day. Maybe when I finally see a Great White…
              I got so excited and demonstrated that, that everybody in the boat was noticing me now. I think they were happy for my obvious happiness. I was the first one to go a second round. And actually I could spend the whole day in there if they let me.
              For me the whole time passed so fast but we came back after 2 o’clock. We had an also delicious lunch and then watched the video of the day. You can buy in a USB for R350 and then make your own pictures. It was my plan at the beginning but I had a completely different idea of what would be. I was hopping not to wear any wet suits, so I would wear my Iron Man t-shirt and the colors of the ocean would contrast pretty well with my tattoos. Plus an amazing shark passing behind me. So when I could not have that, I decided not to buy. That is why I just have pictures of my beloved sharks from the boat. But is just about them, is not?
              When we arrived in Hermanus again, I asked Wiehann if he could give me that lift. That was when I realize how nice he was. Not just because he took me but for the way that he talked and smile and was concern about to help me. Pretty lovely. So after he dropped everybody in their respective hotels, he drove me the whole way to Century City, which is not that far from the City Centre but still is some good 20 minutes. During that time we were talking about so many things including his Brazilian girlfriend. He also lent me his phone so I could call Aziz. I was honest with him and said that if I knew how nice he was, I would spend the whole day talking to him.
              We said goodbye but I knew I would see him again next day because I was so excited in get a lift that I forgot my computer on the reception of the Hermanus Backpackers. Luckily, Wiehann does that route every day so he would save me one more time.


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