20th and 21st of December, 2018.

              The intentions of the man were good but not very cleaver to me. He was going just a few kilometers, to the next town. And once in there I had to walk a little more until where I could hitchhike again. But people keep saying that everything happens for a reason so maybe that was it. Maybe if it was not for that guy, one of the most wonderful things would not happen to me: Ninni and Olea.
              They stopped the car already smiling at me and I was so happy to see two girls stopping. They had passed before and came back for me! Their thought it was: “Ah, it is a girl! We need to come back and take her!” Lucky me!
              Ninni is from Finland and Olea from Germany. They both are doing one semester of their university in Tanzania. They met because they are the only two mzungus in there. Now they are having some vacation so it was time to going into an adventure in South Africa. It was so awesome how we went along pretty well! We laugh and figure out to have so many thoughts in common! I was so happy to find other girls who think like me that I was almost crying. For now, they decided to visit Cape Agulhas, staying there one night and then just next day go to Hermanus. I was invited to joy them and of course I accepted! We agree that I would ask to put my tent for free in the backpackers they were staying because there was no reason for us travelling together and not staying together, so…
              The Cape Agulhas Backpackers is the most wonderful hostel I ever saw! Every single detail of the place it was thought to make it look perfect and make you feel the most lucky person in the world! All the colors and happy thoughts all over the place make you really feel in holidays and want to enjoy every moment of it. Also the funny thoughts will make you laugh a lot. My favorite it was: “Dèjá moo: when you know you’ve experienced this bullshit before”. And the people who work in there are the most helpful and friendly ever. They will give you all the tips and possible options to do around the town. For me, Cape Agulhas Backpackers is everything (and much more!) that a real backpacker should be! If you decide to visit the town, believe me, there is no better place to stay. And do not get mistaken: Just because they are called backpackers does not mean they have only dorms, by the opposite, they have some other awesome accommodation options, which will make you feel in a five start hotel. Plus the camping sigh, of course! Here is their link for you to take a look and make your reservation: http://www.capeagulhasbackpackers.com/index.html P.s.: the new girl, who was in training, was wonderful! Such a lovely person 🙂
              So it is obvious that they let me put my tent for the night (otherwise how I would know so much about the place?) and after freshening up, me and the girls went to explore the town. Boy, we had fun! First swimming in the turquoise sea, laughing, take a really nice picture, laughing, shopping for a picnic and dinner, laughing, visiting the wreck ship and contemplating a wonderful sunset, laughing, cooking dinner together, laughing, enjoying the company of French guys who offer us ice (plus wine, sorry) and laughing much more.
              Next morning we headed to Hermanus. The girls would just pass quickly by and they were wondering why I would not do the same and then we could all go together to Cape Town. I was too ashamed of what I would be doing in Hermanus to tell them. I mean, I know I am travelling almost without money and I do not have from where get more now that I was using my last few coins to go diving in a cage with the sharks, but I still felt stupidly guilt for that. I know you are reading this now girls and I am sorry for not tell you before. Actually I did not tell anyone until now. I hope you all understand me and know that I never lie about my financial situation: my budge it was 1 Euro per day since I took that flight from Senegal to Uganda. But with the volunteer works, I could save that for a while and now I put all of it in the sharks. I love them you know and I had no idea when I would have the same opportunity again. Mainly because it should be easier to find the Great White shark in these waters. Plus, is also my way (again) of leaving out of the limits.

cape agulhas
Wreck Ship


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