15th to 18th of December, 2018.
              The house where I would stay, the family friends of Paula, it was incredible. Looked like a loft actually, and so well decorated. A mix of hippie crafts and well done luxury art. Nina was the mother and she showed me were I would sleep and everything.
              Since I had not too many things to do, just exchange some money and buy bread and vegetables, I decided to accompany Paula in her shopping. I could help and also see a little of Port Elizabeth at the same time.
              After twelve o’clock we were in the mall close to Nina’s house, so I said goodbye to her and went to do my stuff while she kept her shopping. My first step it was at the exchange house. Everything it was great: the attendant was a nice guy, the rates were not too bad, so I thought I would be fine. Then the trouble: I forgot my passport. I had not even the copy with me. So stupid. And the worst? Nina’s house it was just about 15 minutes walking from the mall, so if I had come earlier I could just walk back to the house and grab it. Now, their place would be close in 7 minutes.
              No panic, just rearranging the plans. I had some money to buy food so after I decided to take the hunch from the guy of the exchange house: the biggest town before Hermanus it was George. He was kind enough to even search in his computer where in there I could go. Lovely.
              Back at the house, I met Jazz and her daughter Alice. They would be taken care of the house until Nina and her family come back. Jazz loved to hear about my travels since the beginning and she became a very big help on it. She was trying to look for people who could give me a lift, people who had boats in Cape Town and she gave me some warm clothes and a sleep bag.
              It was great stay with them. Jazz said I should stay a few more days and exchange the money after Sunday and the Bank Holiday on Monday. In another words, I should leave on Tuesday. At the end I did not. We went to Sardinia Bay (which is really nice with some very quite and secret peaceful spots) and talked a lot and watched movies. I also met the cute neighbor, Khalid, and he also got excited about my travels.
              I walked a lot to get out of town. And it was sunny. Luckily, before I got in the furthest point to hitch, somebody stopped for me without even see my face. A nice and simple man, who was going just to the next town, but who helped me a lot. Fresh orange juice he offered me. Delicious!
              Hours passed and nobody was stopping. Then, Belarie. Her name is so beautiful as her and her attitude. She was with a small car, with just two seats, full of beverages and with her two children. And she stopped. She was a church person and probably she thinks that was the reason for why she stopped. I think different: good hearts people do good thinks because they believe in good actions. They are not doing that because they fear God or want a place in heaven. Lots of religious people do not stop.
              Belarie was going to Jeff’s Bay and dropped me under a bridge, on the shade. I already had a red line in my left arm because of keeping my thumb up. And I was under sunscreen. Under the bridge it was creepy windy but luckily it took just a few minutes until a guy in a pick up stop. Michael was transporting some people who were paying. I told him I could not. He though it was funny but after a while told me to climb in.
              At the beginning I was sitting on the back with a couple and their kid but after a quickly stop, the driver told I should sit in front with him and the other passenger because he was curious about my story. I was glad because then, maybe, he could finally believe in what I was saying. I think he did.
              Michael dropped me where I could try to walk or hitchhike to a beautiful place, called The Heads, in Knysna. I was too stupid to think clearly at the beginning but then luckily the light came to my mind. Instead of walking until there, since it was almost six o’clock, I should camp somewhere around the main road and next morning, after finding a place to leave the bags, walk the over five kilometers to the place.
              How happy was I when I saw this church sign on the road. I walked in direction and in two blocks there it was the church. Unfortunately it was closed and no sign of people inside. There were two men in the house just in front of the church, so I asked for information. Mr. Deni told I should go and ask at a Caravan Park, just a few blocks from there, that people in there were nice and probably would let me stay for free. But he also said that in case they do not, I could came back and he would let me camp in his
              The Caravan Park it was closed already but when I was still looking around and trying to find someone to talk, I saw Mr. Deni and his adorable wife Adri arriving in their car to pick me up. We picked up also a friend of him on the way so there were the four of us at their house.
              Me and Adri developed a connection very quickly. We have so much in common that it was easy. She is a lovely woman and I was so happy to ended up in her house. And she cooked marvelous stuff, OMG! Her Lemon Meringue is the best I ever had! Simply delicious.
              So in the end of the night, after a lot of talking, they actually said I could use spare room. So nice of them! I wanted to go very early to The Heads next morning so when Mr. Deny said they would go around six o’clock to collect warms for bites and I could come with them, I was thrilled.
              At the left side of the the town, you can go to the left side of The Heads. You go up by the streets and can admire some beautiful but huge houses on the way. Once in the top point view, which is really amazing, you can choose go down again, but keeping further, to get in a nice park at the amazing rocks / beach. And them when you come back to where you first started going up, you do not go back directly to town, turn to your left to also see the estuary. Is very nice, there is even some caves and stuff. From there, you can see the other Head, the one on the right side. There is a lovely path over there and also some nice caves. I would love had gone there. But you need time to walk (it depend where are you staying in town) or if you can go by car… On the top of that Head there is just one single house. It looks fantastic from the bottom where I was and I cannot even imagine the view. Later on, I got the information that the owner has also the domain of a big area around his house. I guess that is why no on had built anything near there.

Knysna              When I came back and had some delicious coffee with the Lemon Meringue, Mr Deni offered to drop me in town. Thrilled again. I was at the waterfront and walking all over the place. It is kind of lovely town. I do not know why so many people do not like too much. Anyway, I finally exchanged the money, so now there was no way back: I would go dive in the cage with sharks and, spending my last few coins. Coming back, even that the way was lovely (aside the lagoon), I had such a unpleasant moment with a policeman. At the beginning he sound just like a nice guy, but then when he said the my hair was “sexy”, I knew he was up for something. So when I was shaking hand to say goodbye and he pull me and try to kiss me on the lips (!) I was not very surprised. Bastard piece of shit! What a hell you were thinking? Of course I avoid the kiss so he kissed just my cheek. I smiled but now I regret for not had making a case. Sometimes I hate to be nice. Why can I be a jerk at least with the bastards who deserve?
              Back at home, Mr. Deni and his friend were going to fish. I went with them. We were at the lagoon, this really nice place surrounded by, again, huge houses. But is so calm and clean, no waves, that is open pool so tempting to enjoy…
After over three hours and just three fishes, we went back home. Having another delicious dinner by Adri was the perfect way to finish the day and my time at Knysna. I went to bed very early because I was exhausted. Saying goodbye to my lovely Adri it was hard.
              Next morning Mr. Deni drove me to a point where people hitchhike in town. I did not tell him I would go a little further because I though it was not that much. Horrible mistake. But the good thing about is I walked almost 10 kilometers in something like 3 hours. Maybe more but not more than four! I was not dying and come on! Back in Morocco it took me the whole day to walk 15 kilometers. Man, I am growing up…
              So when I finally found a good spot to hitch (that it was the only reason for which I kept walking) and this nice man stopped, I thought he was going to Hermanus… Sweet illusion…

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