12th and 13th of May, 2017.

              I have to start this post saying I just did not like Edinburgh. I am sorry if you do but even more when I compare to Glasgow, I just did not feel good about it. And I did not even get lost! Which is quite impossible by the way. So here is some short stuff about the capital of Scotland…
              After come back from the trip with the girls, I went for two days in Edinburgh.
              I was not in the mood to do CS, so I took the cheapest hostel in town, St Christopher Inn (the same from England), and for £7,80 I had a shared bedroom with bathroom inside and breakfast included. And even the location is perfect, just in the middle of the town, two hundred metres from one of the famous sighs: The Dungeon. But you have to pay, so I did not visit.
              You can totally go around the whole town in two days and it was what I did. It is a beautiful town if you think about the old buildings and cute alleys all over the city centre, as you can check on the pictures. The People’s Story and the Edinburgh Museum are very nice, most because they are old buildings, the kind of the floor creaks all the time and there small very old doors, I love it! Even the bathroom in The People’s one is an attraction. The Elephant’s House is famous for being where J.K.Rolling started to write Harry Potter, so if you are a fan, take a look. The Greyfriar’s Bobby it has a nice story behind, similar to that one in the movie Hachi: A Dog’s Tale, just in this case, the dog remained in his owner’s grave for 14 years. At least is what people say… The cemetery / church, Greyfriar’s Kirk, is just in the back of the pub. It is beautiful and totally worth it a visit. Of course I loved the Tyrannosaurus Rex at National Museum of Scotland but even so…
              At night I just eat a veg burger with a beer. The pub was not that great as the Greenwich St Christopher. And the band that was playing was not good either. Probably was the first time that I really realized how bad some band was.
              I watched one episode of The Flash that night.
              At Friday I asked to Callum pick me up because the buses would take to much time.
              This is it! Sorry Edinburgh lovers, just did not work for me.

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