28th of April to 13th of May, 2017.

              My CS experience with Yura it is not very pleasant. At same time he can be a nice and gentle guy, he want something more than just friendship, so it is difficult for me to feel happy with this kind of situation. It is so sad to realized that still nowadays there are so many people who cannot manage a friendship between a man and a woman.
              Glasgow is a nice and beautiful city with a lot of sighs and things to see. Also, it is quite easy to move around the town: there are a few streets, which cross the city and the river, and you can define them as localization point. The bridges in each one of them are different, so that might also help you to know where you are.
              → You can enjoy a long walk aside the river. Tip: bring your camera and take some nice pictures of some beautiful bridges you will find all the way long. But if you are not a walk person, you can also do the path all by bicycle. I did both.
              → A simple walk around the town can provide you a sigh per se. Not just because of our already known old beautiful UK buildings but also because of the amazing street paintings, all over the town. Most of them are so incredibly real that they look like real pictures. And there are also a lot of street performances. Pretty cool!
              → The Kelvingrove Art Gallery and Museum is a joy to the eyes that starts from the outside building. It is a great museum and totally worth the visit. And is free!

              → If you, like me, it is a big fan of Harry Potter movies, you definitely should go to visit the University of Glasgow. It is really beautiful and if you get the lucky to visit not in a Sunday (my case) you might be able to go up in one of the towers.
              → The Queen’s Park has some beautiful gardens and a nice lake where you can feed the swans. Just remember: Wholemeal bread! If they eat the white one, they can die.
              → The People’s Palace is a great place to know a little more about Glasgow and its history. It is a small place so you do not need reserve to much time for it. Free of charges!
              → The Lighthouse is an important Art Gallery to the town, mainly because of all the history of Charles R. Mackintosh, who designed the building. But is not that I actually super enjoy it. Is nice and free. What might worth it is the nice view of the town from the Mackintosh Tower. Just keep your breath up!
              Another two things that you might enjoy to go but I had not the time to go are: The Riverside Museum and The Tall Ship, both for free.

              I did not went to any pub alone while I was in Glasgow and now thinking I really regret. People from Scotland are very nice, friendly and gentle. Plus the town is quite safe. So if you have the opportunity, go to visit one or two pubs and enjoy the good beers and the good music.
              Of course I did not do all of this during those three days with Yura. What I did it was to meet with a nice guy, called Drew, which had an open place for roommate. The place was very nice, affordable and he had this two lovely dogs, which I would love live with it for a while. Unfortunately, it was quite far from town, and I had not found a job yet so I had to say no. What I needed it was a place where I could stay for a few days for free while I was looking for a job. Since I could not stay with Yura anymore, I accepted another CS offer, from a old man called Callum, who said I could stay with him as much as I needed.
              At the beginning everything was OK and even when he said I could use the bedroom to make money (and here I leave everyone free to make your own conclusions) I decided to stay. He was cooking (traditional Scottish food, very good but the problem it was he did not diversify too much) most of the time but I was always buying food also. He drove me to Loch Lomond and Starling City and was always having more CS at home. He really enjoyed to have some company around.
              Actually, the best two thing that happened to me while I was staying with him were two groups of CS that I met. The first one, Sofi, Luna and Sara, were those Spanish girls, who went to visit the Sky Islands and were doing hichhiking and camping all the way long. They had all the utensils to cook also, which reduces the budge a lot. I was fascinated by their simplicity and relationship with the nature. They were very kind and friendly and I learned a lot with them. One night we went out, bought some bears and ciders and looked for a pub with live music where Sofi could play her harmonic with some guitar man. When we finally find one (after refuse the money from a nice drunk local to take a taxi) it was amazing! She was very talented and we have a lot of fun (even that we were almost freezing). We walk all the way long, and came back around three in the morning without any problems. At the end, they became a huge inspiration for me and completely changed the directions of my travel. The second group, from Mexico, Georgina and Naz (I also met Sofia but we just stay together for one day before she had to leave) will actually have a chapter apart because, after all, we went for a small trip together. Yay!
              P.S.: I do not know about your weather preferences but I think I was so lucky to be in Scotland at that time (April and May) when we have day lights until ten in the night! Or even more! So you can totally enjoy going around the town without not care about coming back soon.



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