19th to 21st of October and 26th of October, 2018.

              Monica very gently dropped me out of Maun to hitchhike. And it was a long time ago since I almost cry saying goodbye to someone. Before she leave, she took a picture of me holding my Namibia sign.


              A few minutes later, a car stopped. It was a single cabin pick up, and there was a couple inside. I do not know if they were drunk, because it was very early in the morning, but the guy (who was driving) asked me: “Why are you holding a sign writing Namibia?” Why in the hell do you think I am holding? Hãm? Is not because my name is Namibia and I want you to know, that is for sure. But Lei, they probably were just joking with you. Damn if they were they had to be very good actors, because they just did not laugh as they really looked intrigued by my answer. So the conclusion that me and Jakob reached at is that I should asked them: What is you brain capacity exactly? Who the hell is Jakob? You will know right now.
              Jakob is this coolest guy ever who gave me a lift until Windhoek that day and with who I also spend the weekend. He is from Denmark, but not Copenhagen (to make it clear), and he was taking some months out to travel around a few countries in Africa. I was pretty damn lucky that he decided to leave Maun a bit late that day, otherwise I would miss the opportunity to have such a great weekend.
              So we went along very well since the beginning and I trusted on him since the beginning, otherwise I would not accepted his lift until Windhoek, since because of the over eight hours of travelling (plus the border time), we would get in there definitely at night. We spend the whole way talking about everything and making fun of each other, like old friends. And we made a plan where I will visit him in three years, counting from now, so he cannot get married until there. Because even that we know we are just good friends, people change a lot when they get married and most of the partners nowadays are crazy jealous, so…
              Then he asked me where I would stay in Windhoek and I told him with a CS. Jakob mentioned that he also uses CS but had not time on the last few days to arrange one in Windhoek. I offer to asked my host if there was space to one more person, since both (Jakob and my CS host Nick) looked really nice people, and Nick said there was no problem, Jakob could come.
              So now the only concerns to me and Jakob were if we also would have the same connection with Nick, who were already hosting another girl for the night. And we could not be more lucky.
              Nick was not just a host, he was also like a good old friend that me and Jakob were coming back to visit. He was just this lovely guy, very kind and peaceful, but who also had the same crazy and joker spirit as us. So since the first night we were so welcome that everything was like we were in heaven.
              We just had an wonderful weekend, going around tow and having fun. Nick was also the funniest tourist guy ever and apart of the tourist sighs, with quite an effort, I convinced both to climb one of the mountains which surrounded the town. The mountains make some great views when you are just travelling around or simply also decided to climb one of them. And the sunset is beautiful from there.


Our mountain in Windhoek

              Sunday afternoon Jakob had to leave to keep his Namibia journey. We also included Nick in our three years visit plan, so the three of us should meet in Denmark again.
              Windhoek is a cute small town, which as much as Gaborone in Botswana, does not looks like a capital, Which of course in my opinion is a great thing. You have the beautiful old church in the middle of town that you can visit, than a nice garden just in front (which can be close sometimes and when is like that, do not break in just to take a picture as we did), and just around the three museums: two very old beautiful buildings, and one, supposedly a gift from China, a new and modern building. And here I partially copy Mr. Fache words, from The Da Vinci Code (2006) – A scar in the face of Windhoek. Then you have all the mountains to climb, some pubs and coffees shops, a lot of malls, and if it is your thing, you have casinos.
              I staid one more night, just because I had planned like that. So me and Nick just relax the whole day and watched A Knight’s tale at night. Just someone as nice as Nick would suggest that movie.
              Next morning, Nick drove me out of town. I was not very sad to say goodbye because my plan was going further North, to Terrace Bay, and then once I was coming back South, to Luderitz (where I would do my volunteer work), I could spend another night in Windhoek and see him again. But I still had the feeling that I did not wanted to leave. And to make ti worse, he said a very simple thing but that for me, sounded like the cutest one ever: “You do not need to go. I can show you some pictures of Swakopmund…”. Nick was the first guy, in a long time, that I really wanted to hug.
              When I came back from my Northern trip (which you will read about it next week), we had such a great time together again. And again I did not wanted to leave. If was not for the whole volunteer work thing already settle, I would gladly stay a few more days with him.
              But I could not, so I left. Next morning, again, he drove me out of town, this time in the opposite side, South, and I started to hitchhike again.

A little gift to the guys and a souvenir from our friendship (Henties Bay)

2 Replies to “Hitchhiking in Namibia: Windhoek”

  1. Tenho acomanhado o teu blog, bom saber que as viagens estao a correr bem e seguras.
    Tudo de bom
    Um abraco
    Monica (CMA CGM)

    1. Oi, Monica!
      Muito obrigado pelo apoio em acompanhar o blog e também pelo comentário! É bom saber que pelo menos tem alguém lendo, haha.
      Tudo de bom para você também!
      Um abraço,

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