23rd of April, 2017.

              Very early in the morning, I was already waiting at the bus stop to take the first one going to Stratford-upon-Avon. I was remembering everything I should bring with me when I realized I had forgotten the phone. But why I would need? Well, I put all the maps and ways I should take around the town in the phone, so without that I would be more lost than with it, because of course I would get lost anyway. I ran back to Charles’ house, grab the phone and ran back. After one minute (maybe), the bus came.
              I had four pounds with me and a note of fifty. The ticket to go and back it coasted four Pounds and a half. Of course the driver did not had change at that time in the morning. What I am going to do? I asked him. “Let me tell you what we are going to do” – he said. “I will put those fifty cents for you and next time we see each other, you give me back”. I was so happy and surprise! We were in England! People are not knowing for being nice in here. I said one thousand times ‘thank you’ and had a seat.
              Stratford-upon-Avon smells like Shakespeare. But not in a bad way like Liverpool smells like Beatles. It is in a really good way. Once in there, as soon I left the bus, in front of the central square, it was as I had go back in time and was in his era again. I could feel his presence in the town (if anyone who is reading this blog, knows for sure that he did not exist, please do not laugh).
              It was a lovely Sunday morning with sunshine. The mainly square it is so cute with the beautiful statues of some of his most famous characters and an honor in his name on the centre. All over around you can see the beauty of the town: the river coming from the back and ending on the square, with a cute Ferris wheel and beautiful boats (one of them is actually a tourist information place: go there to get some free maps of the town) and small bridges; the Royal Shakespeare Company, just crossing the river (which is not exactly beautiful because it is a new building but it is nice); the church where Shakespeare and Anne are buried, which is incredibly beautiful from outside and inside; the colorful tents, all over around, with local food and handmade stuff (I had a nice piece of cake); and of course, the amazingly beautiful old houses, all looking the same but at the same time full of details which make them look specially different each other. All of this just in the same place. I spent part of the morning just walking around and appreciating the view.

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2. The church where he was burried

              Then I decided start the tour: going in direction of Shakespeare’s house, I passed for the Sheep Street (one of the most famous street on town, where you can find most of the tea and coffee houses and restaurants); then The Tudor World, a beautiful 16th century building, where you can experienced how life it was during the 16th century; until I finally get in the street where there are flags of a lot of countries and where it is located his house. Of course, unfortunately, you have to pay to go inside (the website does good promotions and is very well informed) but I did not. I feel quite sad now. Should I had paid? Maybe. I do not know. Everything it happened so many years ago, after so many repairs to keep the building stand, of course a lot of things changed, so it is not the same thing. And you know people nowadays with the Capitalism dominated their souls. They can do anything to attract you, even messing up things which did not existed, just to make more people coming and pay. You decided what is better for you and in what you believe.
              Lunch time! You have so many options that are going to drive you crazy! Maybe, just for once, you can try the traditional tea houses. I decided for the one which carry the Anne’s name. I had a tomato soup with a brie cheese and cranberry jam sandwich and tea. Everything was delicious! And cost me just seven pounds. But if you prefer, just bring some food with you and make a picnic in the sometimes scenery way to your next sigh: Anne’s Cottage.

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              The way to get in there is so beautiful, around alleys and landscape and beautiful houses and buildings. I think it is about forty minutes walking and in my opinion totally worth it to go walking. The Cottage it is really beautiful. You can pay to go inside (but again the same reasons that I mentioned before) but from outside you can also have a beautiful view of the garden. I crossed the street and climb a kind of fence to go higher and check it out.


              When I came back it was in the middle of afternoon and I already had to leave. The timetable for buses on Sunday can be tricky. After wait for a while the bus finally came. The driver was the same guy from morning (it was him not really a good soul just trying to help but knowing that he would be the only one driving the bus that day I would necessarily see him again and had to pay him back?) and I paid him back. Unfortunately, this time he did a horrible mistake: he drop me in the wrong place. Maybe he told I should take another bus from there but I did not understand. I do not know. After get a few information around, I took the second bus and luckily arrived back in Leamington Spa at time to leave to try to grab the train (and fall down with my face on the floor as you already read before).

1. Lei in Shakespeare's house

P.S.: In case you are wondering about the date or do not know about Shakespeare’s life too much, he was born and died on the same day: 23rd of April. So I was pretty damn lucky, because without any kind of planing, I ended up visiting his town on that specific date. Fucking unbelievable!

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