22nd to 23rd of April, 2017.

               I did not find a place to stay in Stratford-upon-Avon, so I accepted the offer from a guy called Charles in Leamington Spa. According to him, I just had to take one bus and in less than one hour I could be there. Since I could not find a cheap hostel in town, which could cost less than the two bus tickets, I decided to take it.  I would spend the 22nd with Charles, go to my Shakespear’s town on the 23rd, and leave to Liverpool on the same day.
              From the train station to Charles’ house, I was trying to cycling even with the backpack and the result it was falling in the middle of the street and make the handlebar to bend. There was even a car coming, luckily they saw me and stopped. Shame on you, Lei.
              Charles had already travel around 25 countries including Brazil. He did in two years and travelling just in the most sustainable way. I though he would be more easy going, like a really chill guy but actually he was very organized and systematic, with a regular job in the bank and a cool and clean house. He was very polite. He bring me for a tour around the town and showed me the beautiful Jephson Gardens and the Warwick Castle and the war memorial.


              When I was leaving his house, quite nervous that I could lost the train to Liverpool, I lost the control of the bike, and because of The Monster, I could not avoid have the most awful fall ever. I did not though in use my hands to cover my face before hit the floor. My sunglasses flew away and I staid for like thirty seconds static, chocked, trying to understand why that have to happen with me. A little boy who was playing ball around came to me and asked if I was all right. He had to wait those thirty seconds pass to hear an ashamed ‘yes’. I could not believe when I took my sunglasses from the floor and they were not broken. A little scratched but not broken. I need to recovered myself and took my way back to the station. I was now afraid of trying to ride the bike and fell again so I was just walking as fast as I could.
              I could not believe when I arrived in the train station just a few minutes before the departure. But I still had to buy my ticket. The guy who sold it to me it was a kind of angel. He try to make me be calm and relax (I think he could see my purple eye getting bigger and bigger and also the small blood coming out of my eyebrow cut), saying that I still had time, that I was already there and everything would be fine. What a nice person!
              He was right: I took the train

New Phototastic Collage
Nice street in Leamington Spa and nice face after falling off the bike.


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