Friday, 21st of April, 2017. 

             Back in England, I was using trains to go from one city to another. I remember reading in a lot of traveler blogs, before I start to travel, how cheap could be to travel by train. If you have a good budget and just want to save some money, of course it is cheap. And fast! But nowadays I look back and I just keep thinking I could save all that money if I had started hitchhiking since the beginning. It would have worked in England? I do not know but I should have tried.
              To take trains with bikes it is allowed but can be a nightmare. Wait a minute, bike? When the hell you got a bike, Lei? Well, after Weybridge, I came back to London just for a few days, and I decided, by stupidity, that I would by a bicycle and keep my journey by that. So I bought a second hand one in London. You see, there is nothing wrong with travelling around the world with a bike. I heard about a lots of people who do that. But they have the appropriate bags and equipment and they probably know how to ride a bike since they started to walk, or something like that. Me? I just learn how to ride one a few days ago and I think I cannot just travel around the world like that, but carrying all my luggage, about 30 Kg, on my back. How can someone be that stupid?
              Anyway, back to travel with a bike on the trains… It can be pretty suck if you are carrying not just the bike but also a huge backpack like my Monster (I decided to call it like that because of a movie that I love, Wild, where the girl had her backpack, which by the way was also blue, named The Monster). People do not respect you, they are so in a rush to get inside the train that they are not happy for have to wait two minutes until you put your bike appropriately. And there are always someone on the place reserved for bikes. Come on, people! You have the whole train for you while we have just one single little place o our bikes and you still take it?
              I arrived in Cambridge near to lunch time but I had to find a place where I could left my Monster so I could go around easily. Unfortunately that did not happened. I could not find any backpackers hostel, so I asked in some pubs but no one wanted to help me. I have to walk the whole day with the bag and the bike. Looking back I realized that was stupidity (again). I should have found a place to leave the bag. Because of that, my trip was not that nice and I could not take to many nice pictures.
              Cambridge it is a wonderful town. The alleys along the whole University are infinity. And you can get lost very easy. Having the map does not help too much so just save a lot of time to visit the Colleges. They close around 3p.m. I missed a lot of them because of that. Still, going around make you feel like be in a Middle Ages movie, with all those beautiful old buildings and small streets and bridges (that is why I gave to the pictures a dark and shadowy look, I mean, I tried at least…). It totally worth the visit.
              My Couchsurfing, Kevin, would be back home just at night. He did not live too far from the University and it was not difficult to find his house.
              Kevin was a full of energy person. He was funny and kind and we have some good time together. We were so different in so many ways (like for example, he has no interest in travel for most of the countries in the world, including Australia! We laughed a lot talking about that) but still we went along very well!
              Very early in the morning, I took a train to Leamington Spa.
