London, 21st to 26th of March, 2017.

               I have to be honest with you: I do not remember a lot of details of my time in London. At least, not enough to be like some of my travel bloggers fellas, to give you all the details about how to go for this to that place, with streets visit, where to eat and those kind of things. What, actually, ended to be a good thing since this is not exactly the intention of the blog. As I wrote in the Read me section, I will tell you about my travels while I help you a little about which places you can go for free and how to travel by free, and also to help you to not make the same mistakes I did. And also then, my blog it will looks like my travel: not exactly an organize and disciplined thing, as take this bus and after a taxi and stay in this hotel in this part of the town because then in the morning you can have breakfast in that Coffee. Nope! Lets get some crazy messy, all right?!
              So, London! Ah, London! I have to say that for a few months after I left London, I was having the feeling that it was not quite good as it is. Maybe because I was frustrated by the fact that I did not have enough time and experience as a traveler to enjoyed well. But now, after over an year that I was in there, I miss that city so much… Probably because I am kind of learning to not be regret of my mistakes and just look it to the good and beautiful things. And when is about good and beautiful things, my friends, London has to give and to sell (Brazilian popular saying).


The whole city is amazingly beautiful and you have the infinite feeling that you are in a movie. It is a wonderful scenery!
              The places to see and enjoy are almost inexhaustible. But they are not exactly what we can call “near” to each other. So if you have time to stay for at least one week there, here is my first tip: buy it the Oyster Card, for over 30 Pounds (maybe more now), unlimited per seven days. You can cross the whole city, every single day, for the whole week, paying just that. It is very useful at the beginning, when you might get lost a lot and have to take a few different lines. Just remember: at the stairs, always remain in the right side: the left one must to be keep it clean and free for those people who need go faster and just pass through.
              My first night it was kind of sucks. The two girls from Couchsurfing, who supposed to host me, forgot me! So when I was alone in my first night out of Brazil, kind of lost in London, I cried. I was in Elephant and Castle area and I went to a small Shopping Centre just nearby. At Jenny’s restaurant, I did not just eat very well and cheap but I also had night saved buy the wonderful Mr. Ali. He told me about a Backpackers Hostel just nearby, called Rest Up. The first night it was cheap in a reasonable shared bedroom. In the morning, I paid three Pounds for the breakfast. Then the second night it costed me almost three times more! They were just taking advantage! Bastards! At least, I still had the breakfast card from the other morning, so I ate for free. So if you are planning go to this area and decided stay in the Hostel per more than one night, pay attention at the details and ask before about the prices!
              I bought my computer at Saint Louis and found a Hostel very cheap in Greenwich. It is called St Christopher Inn and it is an amazing place. People working in there are really nice, the included breakfast it was great, bedrooms OK and they have even a bar so you do not need to go far to try some local beers. But Greenwich, Lei? It is not far from city centre? Yes, it is a little. But since you have your Oyster Card (that, to make it clear, it works for Metro and Trains), in my opinion, it worth.
              Of course, of course, now with a little more of experience, I can tell you a feel things: find a Couchsurfing in City Centre and your life will be much more easier; find a cheap Backpackers Hostel in City (probably it will be easier for you with a wi-fi connection available); planned at least a little bit your whole week: have the places that you want to see in mind so then you can distribute them around the city and can know what are you going to do and where you will go every day. The whole big circle around Big Ben is completely full of wonderful attractions. You will need at least one week to visit all those places without rushing. What totally worth. Do not go crazy, just organize your plans to not miss anything or at least to many things. Remember that there are still a lot of other things to do out of the centre.
              Greenwich is beautiful! The old buildings and the old architecture everywhere made me want to walk all over around. There is The Old Royal Naval College, which is huge and unbelievable amazing! You can spend a whole day there, just going around and watching the beauty of the place. You can bring some food and make a picnic on the Greenwich Park, which is also very beautiful. There is a tunnel which pass under the River Thames and looks quite a horror movie scenery, so, very interest. A nice and cheap restaurant, on the Nelson Rd, called Noodle Time, with nice food and really lovely and nice people. By the opposite, another one, in the main street Church Street, called Tai Won Mein, where I was not well and treated at all.
              About the places I went to:
              – The British Parliament, of course, the most beautiful old building in the world! (in my opinion);
              – The Westminster Cathedral, it is this amazing construction, which even only from outside take out your breath (I did not pay to go inside and I kind of regret now, so think about it and if you choose to go, get there early or with a lot of time because the lines can be huge);
              – The London Eye it is as beautiful and charming as you saw in all those movies;
              – The Victoria and Albert Museum it is something like “Oh My God!” By Janice in Friends. Please reserve a few hours to visited this incredible source of history and beauty. You probably will get a little lost inside because it is huge but it totally worth it. But try to go to ass much museums you could. Most of them are FREE. At least those big ones.
– The famous Piccadilly Circus is not as much incredible as I though. It is nice, you will enjoy, but I was expecting more. Of course if you are a fan of the tv serie Sherlock Holmes or just are used to see it in every movie filmed in London, you should go. Just nearby there is Her Majesty’s Theatre, a lovely building where The Phantom of Opera is always on. All this walking it worth;


              – You can change the scenery a little bit from daylight to ‘night light’ and check the London Bridge under it. It is really beautiful!
              – The London Tower it is just beside and looks beautiful and interesting but I did not paid also;
              – Less than half an hour walking, you will find the famous Globe Theatre, where the plays of my beloved William Shakespeare used to be exhibited. It is not just the huge historical importance you will enjoy it but the amazing scenery on the way to there, as for being aside the River Thames as the small pretty cute streets and alleys. And just before the Theater, there is a Horror Museum which looks like attract a lot of people too. If you got interested… Both of them you have to pay. I was pretty happy just for be able to be outside of the Globe;


              – There is a pub called The Shakespeare Barbican. It is a lovely old place, well decorated, which belongs to a lovely Italian family. When I went over there (my Couchsurfing lived just beside), they invite me to eat with them and celebrate life with them that night. They told me the whole story of the pub, and how the owner was writing a book about the possibility of Shakespeare had been Italian. After a tour for the huge and beautiful old building, they gave me this wonderful metal mug and promised me if I came back next night they would signed for me (I did and have a incredible and funny night). If your budge is low like mine, you can go just for a beer, and for dinner you can simply cross the street, where there is a small Italian restaurant, Pasta Così, offering big portions of good pasta for four Pounds.
              – The National Gallery and The Trafalgar Square (with the bulls), just in front, are also a scenery. I had not the opportunity to visit the first one because of the time but I think you should.
              – The Sherlock Holmes fictional house, at Baker Street, is something that worth for those who enjoy literature or just big legends. To be honest, the whole street it is quite cute and worth the visit. There is a guard at the door, all dressed up and you have to pay to go inside the house. But you know, since it is a character, maybe you can pass this one and just check the souvenir store, just beside, which is pretty cute too.


Now, be aware about all those places and London itself: it will be always busy. There will be tourists and a lot of people everywhere that you go and every time of the day and night. Of course I would prefer if it was different but you know what? At the end, it kind of fits London. Apart from the other big capitals I had been until now, London is the only one which looks like had been born to be like that.
              Tips for food (apart those very cheap small restaurants) are the Sainsbury’s Local. You can find then basically everywhere and they have fruits and sandwiches at a very reasonable price.
              I miss London. Everything is always in time. That is not a myth it is true! Everything it is so organized and systematically right. If you are crazy in that way like me, you will love it! People might not be the most friendly in the world but you just have to be patience and you will get use to. Remember: when is about personality, there is no exactly ‘right’ and ‘wrong’, people are different and nobody said everyone has to be one hundred per cent happy and friendly, with a big smile in the face all the time. Give the people the right to be like that. I think if you understand that and be OK with it, you will enjoy your time in this amazing city a lot. Oh! I miss London…


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